Ever wonder why all the rethug calles to talk shows or CSPAN sound like they are reading off a script? Want to make a talk show host's head explode? Use these rethug talking points to plan your comments.
Thank you, RNC -
http://www.gop.com/GetActive/CallTalkRadio.aspxJobs & Economy
Pass legislation that promotes economic growth - including making tax cuts permanent.
Strengthen Social Security.
Strengthen high schools to prepare Americans for jobs in the 21st Century.
Strength & Security
Support increased base pay for service members and health care benefits for veterans.
Stand with President Bush on increased defense spending that better prepares and protects our military.
Show support for the President’s improvements in Homeland Security to defend our country.
Tax Reform
Reform the tax code to ensure a simpler, fairer and more pro-growth system.
Restrain spending by the Federal Government.
Make tax cuts permanent for individuals and small businesses.
Support a new high school initiative to help states hold high schools accountable for teaching all students.
Promote accelerated mathematics and science achievement for all secondary students, and especially low-achieving students.
Accelerate student achievement with Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and State Scholars.
Social Security
Fix Social Security now to avoid dramatically higher taxes, massive new borrowing or sudden and severe cuts in Social Security benefits or other government programs.
Reform Social Security for America’s younger workers - our children and grandchildren.
Remind your elected officials that Social Security cannot afford to continue paying benefits with the current pay-as-you-go system.
Appoint judges who strictly interpret the law.
Oppose the unprecedented use of Senate filibusters.
Fix the broken nomination process.
Immigration Reform
Stand with President Bush in his efforts to protect the homeland by controlling the borders.
Protect the rights of legal immigrants and match willing workers with willing employers.
Support incentives for temporary workers to return to their home countries and families.
Faith & Values
Fight to ensure that faith-based and community charities can participate in Federal, state, and local programs.
Support President Bush's Access to Recovery program, a proposed three-year, $600 million drug treatment voucher initiative, will give recovering addicts expanded access to a full range of faith-based and community providers.
Support legislation providing mentoring for children of prisoners.
...for any of these rw talk shows.
Show Host Phone
News Beat with Blanquita Cullum Blanquita Cullum 1-800- 510- TALK
Dateline Washington with Greg Corombus Greg Corombus 1-800-510- 8255
Battle Line with Alan Nathan Alan Nathan 1-800-510- 8255
Janet Parshall's America Janet Parshall 1-800-343- 9282
Hugh Hewitt Show Hugh Hewitt 1-800-520- 1234
Hot Talk with Scott Hennen Scott Hennen 1-800-279- 9329
The Laura Ingraham Show Laura Ingraham 1-800-743- 4443
The Jim Bohannon Show Jim Bohannon 1-866-505- 4626
The Bob Grant Show Bob Grant 1-800-321- 8828
The Dolans Show 1-800-321- 0710
The Rush Limbaugh Show Rush Limbaugh 1-800-282- 2882
Sean Hannity Show Sean Hannity 1-800-941- 7326
Jason Jarvis Show Jason Jarvis 1-860-676- 8306
Common Sense Radio With Ollie North Ollie North 1-888-99-NORTH
Imus in the Morning Don Imus 1-800-370-4687
Good Day USA Doug Stephan 1-877-541-5250
Jason Jarvis Show Jason Jarvis 1-860-676-8306
Dr. Laura Laura Schlessing 1-800-DR LAURA
G. Gordon Liddy Show G. Gordon Liddy 1-800-GG-LIDDY
The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly 1-877-9 NO SPIN
Michael Savage Show Michael Savage 1-800-449-8255
The Bob Grant Show Bob Grant 1-800-321-8828
The Mike Gallagher Show Mike Gallagher 1-800-655-MIKE
The Ken Hamblin Show Ken Hamblin 1-800-462-6479
The Michael Medved Show Michael Medved 1-800-955-1776
The Lars Larson Show Lars Larson 1-866-509-LARS
The Don Kroah Show Don Kroah 1-888-293-9282
Neal Boortz Show Neal Boortz 1-877-310-2100
Point of View Marlin Maddoux 1-800-351-1212
The Larry Elder Show Larry Elder 1-800-222-5222
The Dennis Prager Show Dennis Prager 1-877-243-7776
When you are done, go to
http://www.gop.com/GetActive/CallTalkRadio.aspx :puke: "Check the boxes of talk radio shows that you called and press 'Submit' button to tell us about your involvement in grassroots activities to support President Bush today!"