It's really simple.
Total. Information. Prevention. System.
I'm watching "Uncovered" The War on our Civil Liberties.
Let's take a bunch of U.S. citizens. Let's make them spy on other U.S. citizens.
That's a GREAT fucking idea.
Somebody says "Bush is out of Control" in a library... 30 minutes later four uniformed officers arrive and HANDCUFF the person who had the nerve to criticize the Monkey.
Somebody has a poster in their apartment that portrays the Monkey in a negative light and, the secret service shows up.
This is what they have in store for us. This is what they think of us.
NO ONE, has proven to me that all of this is simply because a bunch of Saudis, Jordanians and Egyptians got on a plane on 9/11.
These people MUST be voted out.