Here is the debunking of the 9 cases of so-called VOTER Fraud that the Repuges had in their report. This was investigated and printed in The Shepherd-Express a WI free-press publication, it is not on their web-site, so I'll have to type it out, please excuse typos...
Voter I: investigators have determined that an election inspector entered a voter number for this individual in one of the poll books used on Election Day. Clerical error
Voters 2 and 3: did not vote in Milwaukee, poll books do not contain voter numers for either of these individuals, nor on-sote regostratopm cards. Appears they were included in the Election Commission's electronic database as a result of scanning errors.
Voter 4: the individual who voted in Milwaukee was born 7/80, while the one with same name that voted in Chicago was born 8/50. Appears to be father and son.
Voters 5 and 6: bothe an election inspector mistakenly entered a voter number on the wrong line in one of the two poll books used at location. Law enforcement found no evidence to suggest that either voter cast a ballot.
Voter 7: voter in Milwaukee was born in 8/51 while voter in Madison with same name was born 8/77. They appear to be father and son.
Voter 8: voter in Milwaukee was born in 4/83 and has middle initial of P. The Minneapolis voter was born in 6/46 with middle initial of R.
Voter 9:an election inspector entered a voter number in one of the poll books for this voter. This number indicated that he had cast an absentee ballot. This was a clerical error. The same voter number was included in the poll books for a different absentee voter...the Taks Force has no reason to believe that voter cast a ballot in Milwaukee.
So there is the Republican Case for voter may remember last month all the hub bub the repuges made about "their indisputable evidence and fake committee report".
So if someone (RW) starts on you about "voter fraud" by the Democrats...correct them...
Here's the Shepherd online, but I couldn't find this article, if you are in Milwaukee, pick up a's free...
http://www.shepherd-express.comon edit: forgot to add this part: The GOP (Graber) used the Schenk family's front lawn for the news conference(To announce the "voter fraud") where they accused the Schenk's son, currently studying to be a Franciscan monk in Chicago, of double voting on Election Day. (having all this same evidence, the GOP knew these alligations were false, as they did the other cited "voter fraud" cases...