IF...and this is a BIG IF...the Democratic Party grows a set HALF THE SIZE of Cindy Sheehan's, we will be BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE IN 2008. Are you listening, Joe Biden? If not, DON'T BOTHER applying for the position. Just fill out an application with The Carlyle Group.
http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=politicsNews&storyID=2005-08-25T201716Z_01_HO572974_RTRIDST_0_POLITICS-IRAQ-USA-PROTEST-DC.XMLCRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - With a small group of supporters at her side near President George W. Bush's Texas ranch, anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan said on Thursday she planned to take her vigil on the road next month and shadow Bush in Washington.
Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq who has become a symbol for the anti-war movement, returned to her camp outside Bush's ranch after going to California to care for her ailing mother.
"I'm glad to be back," she told reporters. "When I left, it didn't end. When I left, it thrived, it grew."
In contrast to the hundreds of supporters who turned out for earlier events, only a few dozen were on hand on Thursday to witness an emotional Sheehan -- in a made-for-television ceremony -- place her son's military boots next to a small cross at the camp's symbolic gravesite for America's war dead. Sheehan plans to continue her vigil following Bush's monthlong vacation in Crawford. She said she would launch a bus tour from Crawford starting on September 1 that will converge on Washington, on September 24 and the group would then start a vigil in the capital.