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Stan Goff Critiques Tom Hayden's "disengagement" Proposal.

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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 08:20 PM
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Stan Goff Critiques Tom Hayden's "disengagement" Proposal.
Caveat: This is harsh. Don't read the entire article if you are easily offended by brutal characterizations of leading Democrats.

The bottom line is; we need to get the hell out of Iraq, and if I may quote Scott Ritter, "Yesterday was too late."

Reminder: We shouldn't even be there.


Containing the Anti-War Movement


Enter Tom Hayden with his "proposal" for disengagement in Iraq. Hayden's proposal appeared recently in the LA Times, where he explained:

"The rallying cry of 'out now' expresses the belief that the Iraq war is not worth another minute in lost lives, lost honor, lost taxes, lost allies. But its very simplicity makes the demand easy to ignore or dismiss."

Oh thank you, oh wise one, for instructing us on the finer points of political realism. And thank you for putting words in our mouths that have us express precisely the kinds of chauvinist horse manure being shoveled out of the DP stable. Most of us oppose the war because it is a cynical, amoral, imperial crime. To hell with allies and "honor." And don't worry. We will not be dismissed. Cindy Sheehan, one of those naifs who say "out now" isn't being dismissed, now is she? Except by Tom Hayden, who in a patronizing tone, calls Cindy's "bring them home now" position a "moral stance."

Tom says that we "deserve a hearing," and that this means we will have to propose an exit strategy of our own... which is actually Tom Hayden's. By they way, Tom, we intend to be heard one way or another, unless you mean we deserve to be heard -- with our respectful hats in our respectful hands -- by the venal "leadership" of elected official-dum.



Everyday, the violence continues.

Civilians are casualties weekly if not daily.

If we stay, there will be violence.

If we leave, there will be violence, but we won't be the catalyst. The people of Iraq will have to sort it out.
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hiley Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 08:23 PM
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1. I posted this yesterday
on my blog, found it fascinating myself...

Arundhati Roy: “Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy, Buy One Get One Free”:

I speak as a subject of the American Empire? I speak as a slave who
presumes to criticize her king.

Howard Zinn: Video Lecture: The Myth of American Exceptionalism:

Today, says Zinn, we have a president, who more than any before him,
claims a special relationship with God. Zinn worries about an
administration that deploys Christian zealotry to justify a war against terrorism

Noam Chomsky: Audio Lecture:

Propaganda and War: Iraq and Beyond

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dweller Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-05 08:45 PM
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2. that's not harsh. The truth often
has a razor's edge.

"The Plan: The National Command Authority orders all US forces redeployed out of Iraq within one month and out of the theater in two months. Any commander that fails to meet the deadline will be summarily relieved, and replaced with a commander that will thereby be placed on a shorter timeline. I can promise anyone who has no experience of the military that this is perfectly feasible, and that with that kind of command emphasis, the mission can and will be accomplished."

i may be just another skunk crashing the party, but i doubt they'd find a single soldier disobeying that order.

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