Attacking a dead soldiers mother instead of Usama Bin Laden.
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Thu Aug-25-05 10:25 PM
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Attacking a dead soldiers mother instead of Usama Bin Laden. |
That is what emboldens terrorist! Hide Your Women! Bush is comming to town. This guy is real bad ass when it comes to attacking peoples wives, mothers, and defenseless countries. What's next for the big bad Bush man. Attacking peoples Grandmothers? That ought to make him a big man at the RNC. Bush should be a man and talk to Cindy or at least put on a dress before he tries to beat up somebodies little sister. Whimp! Wussy!
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Thu Aug-25-05 10:30 PM
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1. Hell he's been attacking our grandmothers and grandfathers |
with his policies from the get go. Between you and I, I think Cindy could and would take him. He's a PUNK
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Thu Aug-25-05 10:43 PM
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2. Durring the Reagan days. Nancy and Sr. used to meet in the rose garden |
every morning for a fist fight. To determine who was going to run the Country that day. She used to clean his clock! Then he started sending Babs in as a sub. That's where they got the idea for Cheney.
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Thu Aug-25-05 10:43 PM
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Sheehan has been scorned, she would whoop his panzy ass in a heart beat....
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Thu Aug-25-05 10:51 PM
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4. Al Qaida is rolling on the floor laughing their asses off! |
The Chimp is easily distracted. He forgets all about us. Then if someone disagrees with him. He goes insane and attack his own people.
That's why Al Qaida hasn't attacked us since 9/11. They are afraid of getting caught in a Bush or Republican attack on Americans!
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Fri Aug-26-05 12:06 AM
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5. ROTFLMAO! Ross the intern is a real Cowboy! Okay Cowboi. Bush is not. |
I guess the REAL Cowboys prefer a gurlyman that will give it an honest try over the fakers lies. For God sakes Bush hasn't even gotten that twang thang down yet. Something tells me that Ross ain't even trying to fake his accent. Somebody put Bush on the first horse headed for Maine. I hope the horse knows the way so Bush doesn't get it lost. Ahhh, just get Bush a nag that heeps saying, Support my lies! Support my lies!
Leno is just too cool and Ross is too funny! Still LMAO!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:31 PM
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