Digsby wrote a post today that has inspired me to to speak out with what I know. His post is linked below, and is basically a treatise on how the kool kidz in the media are in bed with the Bushies. Very insightful of Digsby, and I am here to tell you it is true, and go him one better. They are not just in bed with the media, but in bed with each other, meaning they are ALL in bed with each other (rethugs, the media and dems - yeah, all of them).
First the media -- in Feb of 2002 Andrea Mitchell and my partner and a few others had a chat (my partner worked at MSNBC at the time). She told them the Bushies would be gearing up to invade Iraq in Aug of 2002. She was off by a month. So, if you're waiting for the media to "break" the story that the Bushies had this planned from the get go, stop waiting. Why would they play that story when they and the Bushies know that they knew that when it was happening and declined to tell the public?
The kool kidz in the media flock to whoever is in power for access, so long as those in power will play the game. How would the kool kidz face their buddies at the Washington cocktail parties if they finked them out, all the while knowing that they (the media) knew the real deal long ago? Digsby is about as right on as he can be about the kool kidz.
http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2005_08_21_digbysblog_archive.html#112490885652988737The rethugs and the dems in bed together? How can that be, you ask? Well it is. Yes, the dems are the loyal opposition (loyal to the beltway that is), but not the opposition the way you and I think of our republican adversaries. They are friends who agree to disagree. "Nothing personal, it's just politics. We can still get along and have drinks together at the A list party on Saturday night."
You saw Daschle hug Bush after 9/11, and you have seen Biden, Lieberman, and others find ways to support the Bushies on more than a few issues. Now you see Clinton diving into bed with every rethug talking point you can find. This is the way of DC.
To be fair, the rethugs also did a good bit of this when Clinton was in power. Gingrich and Dole were both criticized by the rethug grassroots for falling for the charms of Bill during his tenure. They didn't fall for his charms -- they wanted access to power, they wanted to be part of the A list, and going along to get along was how they did it.
This is how it works, folks. Consequently no dem pol on the A list or anyone in the media will stand up and shout the obvious given the current media climate -- that Bush is a major 'effin liar, nor will they speak the truth about his utter incompetence. That would not be cool. That would be rocking the beltway boat. Bushie jr and his crowd have been insiders for decades. That kind of impertinent behavior might get you disinvited to the next A list party. And that consequence, my dear friends, is apparently more scary than a public who doesn't seem to pay a damn bit of attention to what is really going on.
What is the solution? Let them know we ARE paying attention. They love their jobs and the power they perceive that comes from them. Power corrupts and so any pol who wants to be in office more than 2 terms ought not to be in office at all.
You can scare the shit out of them by letting them know you are on to it and as a result, refuse to support those in your party who won't put representing YOU first, before all the games and the insider beltway loyalties. And while you are at it, turn off your televisions and let those in the media know why.
You say you want a revolution -- that's the way to do it. Let the know you are on to it and that you get it. You do have the power. Threaten theirs and you will see that you REALLY do have it.