...and why Corporate America is so in love with Bush:
"WILLIAMSBURG -- More than 40 workers from Mongolia, Slovakia, Russia and the Ukraine are suing Fairfield Resorts Inc. and five other companies claiming that subcontracted employees to the resorts were not paid for up to three years of overtime wages.
A lawsuit filed Aug. 5 in federal court in Norfolk seeks an unspecified amount of compensation for violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act, unjust enrichment by some employers, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
On average the plaintiffs worked 61 hours a week, with 21 of those hours requiring overtime rates. One employee worked as many as 85 hours a week. The workers sought legal help earlier in the summer, claiming they received no pay for parts of April and May.
“This is not really an ‘immigrant' case,” said Avery Waterman, a Williamsburg attorney who is representing the workers. “It is a basic federal wage and hour employment case, which happens to involve immigrants.”
The case points up the downside of a relationship between thousands of foreign workers who flock to the United States each year, some immigrants relocating and others on work visas, and companies that need inexpensive labor, an increasingly hard-to-find sector of the workforce, particularly in service-driven economies."
http://www.vagazette.com/news/va-news3_082005aug20,0,1477100.story?coll=va-newsI read the whining from Corporations all over the press that this kind of thing isn't about predatory employers, and that wanting foreign workers is really all about labor shortages and a lack of a skilled work force. Yeah, right.
And CNN has been mumbling all day about how the labor department is hiding IT jobs from Americans and only trying to recruit foreign workers. If that's not giving us the finger, then I don't know what is! It's a clear indicator of how Bush is 'working' for the American people. :grr: :grr:
Thanks, Bush, for yet another disaster for America.
My next item on the political agenda is to outsource the Presidency and the US Congress. But wait - that's an oxymoron - our government is ALREADY run by foreigners, and their laws and policies PROVE it!