If Wes is to be criticized, I'd rather have it be for what he said in his own words than what a detractor says he said. If he is to be praised, it should be for his own words and ideas, too. Here are some Q & A's that might actually answer some of you questions, and at least they are in Wes's own words:
Columbus, Ohio: Hello, General Clark. I served under you when you were the 3rd Brigade commander at Fort Carson and I was in the 1/8 Inf. What I would like to know is how we can possibly succeed in stopping the tide of Islamic terrorism and radical Islamic movements to subjugate the West and liberal democracies without waging offensive warfare against Islamic states and non-state entities that sponsor or perpetrate terrorism against the US and the West in general? We have to take the long view, just as our enemies do and continue to be willing to dissuade them from believing that we will quit and go home just as we did in Vietnam.
General Clark: Hi, thanks for your note and your service. I think we have to be very careful in how we think about who we are opposed to. Many of the Islamic states in the region are struggling against terrorists themselves. And while we may need to use force to arrest or take out any terrorist who is actually planning an attack against us. Our first principle should be to win people to our point of view if possible. This means winning an ideological struggle against militant Islamists. We do this by encouraging moderate Islam. By respecting human rights, by treating others with dignity even if they don't share our religious convictions, democratic heritage, or geo-strategic outlook. Force has to be used as a last resort only.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2005/08/25/DI2005082501346.htmlBelmont, Ca.: General Clark, I agree with most everything in your-op-ed, except the part about flat out disbanding private militias. I agree the militias have to be tamed in some way, but couldn't trying to completely eliminate the militias stir up a real hornet's nest?
General Clark: Almost everything we stand for in Iraq will ultimately be controversial. The fighting associated with the efforts to craft the constitution demonstrate the strong feelings there. But the definition of a state is that it has the monopoly on the use of force within its borders. So long as there are private militias armed and trained in Iraq, there will be threats to the security and stability of the country. Of course, disbanding these militias can't be done without a lot of preparatory work. But, it can be done.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2005/08/25/DI2005082501346.htmlWashington, D.C.: It's hard for me to envision anytime when even a small US troop presence in Iraq could be anything but a magnet for terrorism and destabilization of the Iraqi government. How can we ever get to the point, as in Korea or the Balkans, where a US troop presence is a force for stability and progress, not the other way around?
General Clark: Great question, and that's why I believe we should say we don't want permanent bases in Iraq. But, if the Iraqi government really gains legitimacy and if we provide the leadership in generating regional cooperation, then I suppose we could be asked to stay, and we would seriously have to consider this. For now, that seems a long time away.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2005/08/25/DI2005082501346.htmlFalls Church, Va.: General Clark, I feel that we actually had more going for us in the way of local support in Vietnam than we do in Iraq, so I am not optimistic about a successful outcome from the current occupation. My question is about the fear of the consequences of withdrawal. Is it possible that we might actually be safer by getting out now and cutting what fuels much of the hatred of potential terrorists?
General Clark: We do have to plan on leaving Iraq. How we leave is important. An exit that leaves behind violence, chaos, and civil war will be viewed as a clear American defeat. And, it will supercharge terrorists recruiting, increase problems for American diplomacy elsewhere in the region, and increase the danger closer to home. So, we have to do the best we can to help the Iraqis construct a state that can provide for its people, secure its borders, and rejoin the world community. I would guess that if we can do this, then we will have a supporting relationship to Iraq for a long time, whether or not there are troops on the ground.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2005/08/25/DI2005082501346.htmlHouston, Tex..: How would you respond to Cindy Sheehan and the other family members who believe their children have been sacrificed for a lie?
General Clark: I have the deepest sympathy and empathy with Cindy Sheehan. My son served in the Armed Forces and I worried about him every day. And, I carried a burden of guilt about his service, as I am sure most mothers and fathers do. Because, after all, we either encourage them, supported them, or sustained them in making this commitment to their country. My prayers and condolences are with every family who has lost a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan, or seen him or her come home forever scarred or crippled. And I thank them for their loved ones' service and for their sacrifice. And I understand the depth of their feelings I believe, because every American trusts our leaders to use our men and women in combat only, only, only as a last resort. And in Iraq, this wasn't the case. And we will probably never learn the full array of motives that lead our nation's leaders to take us to this war. I warned at the time that it was "elective"--we didn't have to do it. There wasn't an eminent threat. So why did we? Cindy Sheehan, every mother and father of our service members, and every American has a right to know. It was a strategic blunder to go there. Now America sees it in hindsight. But those in power have responsibilities to do the right thing, and when they don't they should be held accountable. Cindy is doing everything she can to hold them accountable. President Bush should talk to her and tell her the truth.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2005/08/25/DI2005082501346.htmlAtlanta, Ga.: General Clark, I am a huge admirer of your career and your intelligent thinking about conflict. However, you just indicated that the president should be willing to put as many civilian and military personnel into Iraq as it takes, and that we shouldn't do it "on the cheap." The conflict in Iraq is already being compared to Vietnam, so without learning from that war's lessons on dumping more and more troops into a situation, what is to prevent it from spiraling even more out of control?
General Clark: As I tried to say in this morning's op-ed, we have got to have a winning strategy. We didn't have one in Vietnam. Neither Johnson nor Nixon were willing to face the implications of Soviet and Chinese support for North Vietnam. And today in Iraq, we don't have a winning strategy for the same reasons: that the Administration won't deal with the regional context of the conflict. Or put in the necessary resources.
Thanks to all of you that asked questions and I am sorry I could not get to all of them. But this dialogue is really important. Our policies are at a turning point in Iraq. And, if we can't construct a strategy for success, then we are going to have to lower our sights even further and that won't be pleasant. Our country needs the understanding of our electorate and the guidance you can give to our elected officials in this time of peril for America.