We’ve watched for several days now as the media have followed adoringly the endeavors of Cindy Sheehan and her anti-war minions near President Bush’s Crawford, Texas, ranch. Would that be the adoring media that paid no attention to her protests for weeks until the story became too large to ignore?
Ms. Sheehan’s son Casey was killed in action in Iraq. I cringe to think of the emotional anguish that she must continue to go through as a result of her boy’s death. I cannot imagine how heartrending it must be to lose a son to war. In that regard, my heart truly goes out to her. No it doesn't, you hypocritical bastard. And the reason you "can't imagine" her anguish is because you personally know nobody who has sacrificed a child to Iraq.
However, as much as I sympathize with her terrible loss, I fear that Ms. Sheehan has initiated a protest that could hamper our national resolve in the war on terror. Iraq isn't about the War on Terror -- other than to the extent that its made the War on Terror just that much more unwinnable.
The key problem, as I see it, is that Ms. Sheehan has turned her distress into an anti-Bush tirade that can have no positive conclusion. Avoiding the losses of another 2,000 American troops and untold numbers of Iraqi civilians is a "positive conclusions," you sick pup.
She has called for President Bush to be impeached and jailed, claimed that her son died defending Israel instead of America (which garnered her praise from David Duke), won the support of leftists from Michael Moore to Joan Baez and has defied President Bush to try to make her pay her taxes. Remember that commandment about lying, Rev? The one you accused Bill Clinton of violating during the impeachment proceedings? I got a mirror right here for you.
Ms. Sheehan has even gained the admiration of the Socialist Worker online (a pro-Marxist site) which noted that her efforts are precursor for a vast antiwar protest in Washington, D.C., on September 24. Socialist Worker has also endorsed virtually all of the sentiments expressed in the Sermon on the Mount, you faker. Try reading your Bible sometime.
Ms. Sheehan’s efforts have also fed the anti-war (many I would describe more as anti-American) organizers in recent days. Daily blogs are filled with those who have cast Ms. Sheehan as a near flawless saint in their cause. As I recall, Rev. Scumbag, you were ardently anti-war when it came to the Clinton Administration's stopping genocide in the Balkans. Why do you hate America?
But these anti-war efforts have grown very troubling. Who the hell are you kidding? "Have grown" troubling? Any syllable breathed against the Bush Administration is heresy to you and your pack of gibbering idiots -- don't try to feign moderation at this point.
CNSNews.com reported today that protesters have been situated outside the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., where hundreds of wounded veterans from the war in Iraq are now recovering. The protesters actually flaunt signs reading "Maimed for Lies" and "Enlist here and die for Halliburton." And the Rev. Fred Phelps picketing the funerals of individual soldiers? Why are you Christians such a pack of hate-filled weasels? You see? Guilt by Association works both ways.
Can you imagine the insolence of these protesters? They have the audacity to disparage and demean these courageous soldiers who are enduring great physical and emotional trauma because they believed in the effort to bring freedom to Iraq. They aren't disparaging and demeaning the soldiers, Rev. Fucktard. They are attacking the government's policy, something which, until you declare a religious dictatorship, they have every right to do.
This is possibly the most cowardly action I have ever seen. Search you memory, Dimwit. How about a guy who evades military service and then expects others to die in a war he started, then refuses to meet with the mother of a slain soldier. That's pretty freaking cowardly. And just out of curiousity, what unit did you serve in when you were in the military?
What’s more, CNSNews.com noted that these despicable protesters have “been ignored by the establishment media.” Survey Says: Thorazine! First the adoring media are following Cindy's every move, and just a few paragraphs later, the protesters are being ignored. Jerry, if you're going to lie (and I think it's generally agreed that you are), try to work on your consistency.
The so-called mainstream media’s refusal to cover these protests is almost as despicable as the actual protests. Their head-in-the-sand approach is certainly not surprising. On what planet? Given the basic contradiction of your argument, you're telling us that the media should only cover the story AS YOU SEE IT and should only provide information AS YOU SEE IT and people's reaction to the story should be consistent with the situation AS YOU SEE IT.
The media have a widely-held agenda (that doesn’t include support of President Bush) and they are not about to tarnish the image of anti-war protesters by showing them for what they actually are. Liberal Media Alert! Liberal Media Alert! The media that ignored Bush's multiple DWI and questionable business practices (and savaged his opponents' good names, the media that enthusiastically swallowed every half-baked Bush Administration excuse for going to war, the media that until two weeks ago has scarcely mentioned dissenters other than to disparage them, has a widely-held agenda. Yeah, you could say that...
With this tyrannical approach to the news, it’s really no wonder so many Americans don’t take the networks seriously anymore. And it’s no wonder that conservative Internet news sites have grown by leaps and bounds. Snark! What can I say? Considering that conservative Internet news sites are lavishly funded by right-wing foundations and liberal sites are privately run, you'd think that somewhere out in the internets, there would be a conservative site that dwarfs DU. Well?
You know, it’s one thing not to support the War in Iraq. People who believe it to be misguided have the absolute right to hold those sentiments and express them. But when that attitude turns to bitter outbursts in the faces of our injured soldiers, something is terribly wrong. Is that so, Rev. Shit-for-Brains? You've condemned Cindy Sheehan for protesting the war, but not a peep about the right-wing cretin who ran down hundreds of memorial crosses. Talk about your bitter outbursts.
Here’s the only good thing that can come out of this extremist anti-war effort: The American people will see the contemptible nature of the people involved who are on their hate-Bush, hate-America, hate-Capitalism campaign and they will not want any part of it. As a result, we will see the election of men and women across this nation who want to preserve standards of freedom and decency. Or conversely, we just might see the Bush Administration's approval ratings plummet into the mid-thirties. Hey! Mission Accomplished!
To my brothers and sisters on DU -- if you've read this far, thanks for humoring me. I know that this post is more attention that this twisted freak deserves, but sometimes I just get so pissed off I can't stand it.