I think that there are definitely 3 dominant groups in the American left. This was clear especially during the primaries in 04. I witnessed this during the Iowa caucuses.
The "mainstream Democrats" (Kerry Supporters) would consider themselves to be extremely pragmatic, realistic, tough and yet compassionate. Democrats like Clinton, Kerry, Biden...etc, they voted for the war in spite of their reservations and the millions of protesters. They thought that since Bush had already been authorized to start wars whenever he wanted to in order to fight terrorism after 9-11, he had enough votes in the Senate, and he had a majority of the country's approval, they voted for the war as a display of unity and strength going into the war. They truly felt that they were representing the American people when voting for it because they were in support of it according to their polling data. They feel that they are doing their best trying to hold the President accountable and trying to prevent him from doing further damage in a House and Senate dominated by Republicans. Plus, they are under a microscope and constantly under fire in the MSM because the Republican attack machine. They have to be extremely careful when picking their battles because they have a lot more people to answer to than any Democrats in the country. They also represent Republicans in their states and districts and have to answer to them.
The present day "far left" (Kucinich supporters)would consider themelves to be principled and well informed. They are idealistic in their hopes that they can change the world. They strongly believe that US policy in the Middle East, and the world for that matter, is the direct cause of terrorism. They oppose war in most or all circumstances. They are a very well informed group who are not big on compromising any of their beliefs. They are consistent. They demand fairness and equity. They are not interested in waging a "cold war" so to speak with the right. They want to eliminate the right by trying to convince the rest of the country that the Bush administration are a bunch of greedy criminals trying to take over the world.
Then, there is a group in the center of those two groups - Dean Supporters. They had the same strong principles as the "far left" and also get every frustrated with the "mainstream Democrats." They are mildly left of center largely because they are principled pragmatists. They are a combination of the mainstream Dems and far left. These people want to see an end to the killing and exploitation of the environment and other humans. They also understand the degree of control, power and influence that "these people" have over the country and the world. Change can only happen when we use our voices to hold our elected officials accountable, donate money to progressive minded candidates, write letters, make phone calls, knock on doors, and run for office ourselves.