I see a country that aspires to democracy but is moving further and further away from it every day ... "one man (or woman), one vote" has been replaced by a government that is sold to the highest bidder ... foreign policy is about protecting multi-nationals from global political and market instabilities ... who do you think is spending billions to whisper in your Congressman's ear?
we are losing our democracy ... for me, all the other issues are "pretend" ... they are "pretend" not because they are unimportant but because we are too weak to bring about the changes we seek ... you either have a voice or you don't ...
and domestic policy? the recent Medicare debacle was written by pharmaceutical industry lobbyists ... does anyone really believe the corporate profit motive didn't define the terms of the new law? do you think HMO's might have made a buck or two when the law was passed?
both foreign and domestic policies are being written for and by corporate interests ...
this is not a left/right divide ... the average citizen has virtually no power to shape the direction of the country ... the values that average citizens hold, be they left, center or moderate, are subjugated to the will of the greediest, wealthiest and most powerful ... to have a relatively equal voice is THE ISSUE ...
with this understanding, and understanding that we are all sinking in the same little boat, there is only one battle, only one issue ... viewing the world through the very narrow but exacting lens of a loss of democracy, we are all brothers and sisters in the same struggle ... to see and hear the petty bickering with so much at stake is a most distressing business ...
the bottom line is, a house divided cannot stand ... our goal should not be unity for the sake of unity ... our goal should be to lose the labels and get down to ironing out the details ... in the end, we may have disagreements ... many of these disagreements are likely to be more of degree than of direction ... our differences are small compared to the really big issues on which we all agree ...