and click a link I find there and so on, and before long an hour has slipped past me.
Anyway, I found this comment someone left on a blog. Sorry, I can't find the link again to post. It's late, and I'm tired. But it's a good one, and I wanted to share it .
"Something cool to report. We had a rally tonight in Sacramento to support Cindy Sheehan. Couple of hundred people, congregating on each corner of a busy intersection downtown. Grandmothers for Peace, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and assorted old hippies and young upstarts.
About 65% to 70% of the many cars going through the intersection honked and gave us a thumb's up or peace wave. All ages, all ethnicities, low riders, biker dudes, BMW convertibles, Jaguars, Range Rovers, and decrepit old clunkers. Nifty.
There were exactly four men in the three hours we were there that flipped us off, one other that yelled "Fuckers" at us, and one woman who leaned out the window and said "Boo. Hiss. Boo. Hiss." That was the only negative responses we got.
Best part -- a cop going by honked and flashed the peace salute out his window.
And we didn't attack each other. The worm is turning."