This is really disgusting and heartbreaking; this is something the Democrats should have jumped on. It was a compelling story, hugely important, an impeachable offense, and was a story easy to tell clearly, if you broke it down. You could read about the more complicated, involved explanation, but there was a simple, unified way to tell it.
(For example) Bush was so eager to get to Iraq and invade it, whether there was proof of any threat or not--(refer to Richard Clarke, Paul O'Neill and others describing meetings)--that the neo-cons of the Administration invented fake "WMD" claims, and threatened anyone who didn't want to go along with it. When Ambassador Joseph Wilson couldn't support the lies anymore and told the truth, Karl Rove and the rest of the bullies of this corporate group, just to intimidate Wilson, committed the treasonous act of exposing an active CIA agent's name and contacts, risking all of their lives! Do you tell the enemy our plans of troop movements? This left all these people suddenly completely threatened wherever they were. What would you think if al-Qaeda published the names and locations of active U.S. undercover agents, to be targeted? This Administration steamrollers anyone who attempts to fight against anything, or even to make a valid complaint, and not since the days of Nixon have the real-world consequences been so dire for anyone too honest to just play along.
Explain it like this, with a thread of a story telling how this led to that, etc., and how the elements tied together. The treasonous public naming of an agent, although bad enough itself, was done for a larger, and even worse, reason, and now that people are starting to become so disgusted with the whole Iraq war and know it was not connected to any "war on terror" bullshit, the extreme measures Bush, Cheney and the rest went to to bring it on, no matter what, are now even more shocking and offensive. Democrats should also stop worrying about having to explain or justify their own (if appropriate) early support of the Iraq war--all they have to do is tell how they were convinced because Bush lied! Even that becomes our valid attack, because it was true. We should have been hammering away at this bastard Rove's criminal bullying all this time rather than running from the "you are all too liberal" sabotaging of the "D"LC--we could have made this bastard seem like Nixon by now.