I would emphasize Bush's by-now-familiar, comical "rich boy" selfishness and temper tantrums: Contrast Iraq, a totally mindless endeavor, with the original response to the Sept. 11th attacks and war with Afghanistan.
The First War was a Response to the Attacks Against Us, and an Attempt to Find and Bring to Justice the Perpetrators. It was a Common Cause, Supported by All Americans. The Second War, Against Iraq, No One Knows the Meaning of, the Reason for, and How We Will Know When We Have "Achieved" the End. We Lost the First War, to Unite With the Civilized World Against Brutality and Terrorism, Because George Bush is More Selfish Than American. Was it for Oil, Was it to Attack a Dictator who had Threatened "Daddy," Was it "Because I'm Rich, and I Can," Playing a Neo-Con Game of (Self-)Delusion With Other Neo-Cons, of "Rich Boy Takes It All."
Emphasize the difference between the American people's common resolve and common, coherent, goal, when it was Afghanistan, and now Bush's isolated, muddled, delusional selfishness with Iraq. Make the point that Bush and all of the other top neo-cons are all rich boy capitalist draft-dodgers, who do not actually want "to fight" themselves, "like the little people do," but only have the "fun" (and real, historical-like importance!) of "directing like a real General" one war after another, until each one gets boring by not being quick wins, and so therefore....