Edited on Sun Aug-28-05 04:46 PM by Lorenzo
Iraq is completely like tiny little Belgium. Don't laugh, it's true. Maybe President Bush should call his collegue PM Verhofstadt to help find a solution to the Iraqi constitutional crisis. Belgians are the world champions in writing complex constitutions for ultra-messy situations. The country could have been the Yugoslavia of Northern Europe, but due to political acrobacies of the highest skill, civil war has always nicely been avoided.
Here's how we did it:
1. Belgium has the world's most complex political system, with not less than 8 governments ruling over a tiny population of 10 million: 3 cultural communities (Flemish, Walloon, Germanophone) with their own language (Dutch, French, German) live in one country, and share a capital (Brussels) where the three languages are shared
:: Compare this to Iraq: Kurds, Sunnis and Shias all have their own language and share a capital, Baghdad.
2. We created a federal state with a Federal government which is responsible for matters of national importance; then each community has a government responsible for "socio-cultural" (or intangible) matters (education, administration, cultural policies, etc...), and a government for "territorial" matters (parts of economic policy, roads, harbors, electricity, etc...); finally, the capital has a special status with a government where the three communities collaborate.
These 8 governments all check each other, in formal combinations which might make your head go spinning:
-3 communal + 3 territorial governments checking the federal and the capital one -3 communal + the capital government checking the others -3 territorial governments + the federal one checking the capital one -etc...
This would be ideal for Iraq. After all, the Mesopotamians invented mathematics so this shouldn't be too complex for them!
3. Moreover, we are the country that has seen occupation after occupation, a bit like Iraq. First the French came, then the Dutch, then the Austro-Hungarians, then the Spanish, then the Portuguese, then the French again, and the Dutch again, and finally the Germans (twice), after which everybody saw how we Belgians had reduced ourselves to focussing on beer, surrealism, chocolates and Jacques Brel, - not worth bothering any longer.
4. Belgian constitutional expert teams have been actively involved in writing the constitutions of East Timor, of the Federated States of Micronesia, of the Former Yugoslave Republics and of the new Sudan (busy doing it now.)
I don't understand why the US government doesn't use them in Iraq. They're the best out there, and it's obvious that Iraq needs a much more fine-tuned constitution.
If anyone knows how to reach the President, please tell him to call Brussels. He might need it.