Okay, get ready with your flame throwers, because, I'm going to probably piss a few people off. Then again, maybe not, I know we're all thinking something along the same lines.
I, like so many others here, feel that the status of American foreign policy is driven by oil interests and natural resources vital to our current way of life. In truth, when has any war been about anything else?
However, in this imperial push for what we need(or more exactly, what the current administration thinks we need), we are all culpable. As a nation, we are like junkies that need a fix. And, like addicts who are running low on their own supply and short of the funds to get some more, what do we do? Start thinking of ways to get the funds to get what we need. Do we think in terms of getting work? Nah, there's no time to wait for the paycheck. We gotta think of a way to score, and fast. Do we work with our friends to get what we need? No way, their all addicts too and will only think of themselves. No, it's time to take care of No.1. Do you see where I'm going with this? Just look at how we're taking the surge in gas prices. The oil corporations have been floating this plan out for quite a few years now. Periods of rising gas prices to see how long it would take until we squeal, then lowering them a little until we back off and maintaining a new higher price that everyone could live with. Do we demand new technologies or alternate fuel sources? There is some of that going on, of course. But not en masse. Because the engine that runs our way of life runs on oil products, we complain, but we pay. I do it, you do it, because we don't know any other way. We're locked in our addiction and feel helpless to do anything about it. Are we helpless? No, not really. Of course, as any recovering addict will tell you, changing isn't an easy proposition. It requires a will that isn't our will. A willingness to acknowledge we have no power over our addiction and a openness to receive help from others. We have to come to the realization of what our addiction is doing to us as well as those around us. To continue in our addiction would only lead to the destruction of ourselves and any life we touch. This is where America is at this moment. Instead of calling on our innate ability to be innovators and creators of new technologies, we have fell into the grasp of our suppliers. Control has been maintained through artful deception and underhanded manipulation. We have tried all the symbolic gestures of refusal to continue with our suppliers, but we fall back into using every time we turn the key in the ignition. A pitiful state of affairs, to say the least. How do we break this cycle? What can be done to rid ourselves of this insidious supplier that maintains our addiction for its own profit? I put the question to you all. I'm as culpable as all of you and genuinely can't see a way out short of violent withdrawal.