I did not see any obvious bias in the parts of the documentary that I saw. I've read similar things elsewhere. I have not read the magazine regularly for a while, I used to work for them in the customer service department before they outsourced it.
However, when I did read it I did not detect an obvious political bias in any of the articles that I read and quite a few writers and photographers whom I respect and admire have written for the magazine who, I feel pretty confident, don't have a RW point of view.
Are you just referring to 9/11 specifically? If so, other then this documentary and an earlier one and article about Ahmed Shah Massoud were really the only things I've seen from National Geographic about 9/11. As such, I'm not denying the bias may exist, just asking for details.
For example, the earlier documentary showed video of Shah Massoud from "a speech Massoud gave to the European Parliament in April 2001 (in the documentary I thought it was May 2001) in which the cable says he "warned the US government" about bin Laden."
The part in quotes is taken from the following CNN story:
http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/11/06/massoud.cable/>When I first saw that footage from National Geographic was when I first started to get a sense of outrage about about how our government let us down, particularly the Bush administration. I have never been able to find this footage on the internet or a transept of it. This is the first reference I found but it seems to corroborate Nat Geo's reporting on the issue.
Massoud was our ally against the Soviet Union when they invaded Afghanistan (Bin Laden was as well). Had he lived he would have likely been the ruler of Afghanistan today. However, when he warned the US in April we refused to listen to him because the Bush administration likely did not want to get involved in Afghanistan. At the same time Bush Administration officials were essentially at work on PNAC plans for regime-change in Iraq.
That really should be a major story on par with the DSM, the August warning that Bush ignored and all the other slew of evidence that they were not interested in al-queada despite the warnings.
The first place I learned of it was from National Geographic and have not heard much since (until I found this articles today) which is why I ask about your claims of bias.