C-SPAN has kicked its broadcast of 9/11-related hearings
to a higher profile spot on the main C-SPAN Channel.Originally slated for C-SPAN2, this will reach a broader audience.(I've also listed the 9/11 Public Discourse project hearings below.)
Monday, August 29th08:00 PM EDT3:00 (est.) Forum
Civil Liberties and Security
9/11 Public Discourse ProjectMickey Edwards , R-OK
Christopher Shays , R-CT
Tuesday, August 30th08:00 PM EDT
2:00 (est.) Forum
Foreign Policy: Afghanistan, Pakistan & Saudi Arabia
9/11 Public Discourse ProjectDennis Ross , Department of State
Elizabeth Jones , United States
Wednesday August 31st08:00 PM EDT
3:32 (est.) Forum
September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 1U.S. House of Representatives,
McKinney, C. (D-GA)Rebecca Daugherty , Freedom of Info. Service Center
Wayne Smith , Center for International Policy
Thursday, Sept 1st08:00 PM EDT
2:00 (est.) Forum
Winning the Struggle of Ideas
9/11 Public Discourse ProjectThomas H. Kean , 9/11 Public Discourse Project
Friday, Sept. 2nd08:00 PM EDT
4:55 (est.) Forum
September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 2U.S. House of Representatives,
McKinney, C. (D-GA)Cynthia McKinney , D, Georgia (State)
My money is on the McKinney hearings being the most interesting because of the variety of panelists.
C-SPAN is notorious for changing their schedule around at the last minute.
Keep track of it here:
C-SPAN Calendar