Diary by Rick Jacobs at Huffington Post, a good one. He writes of his visit to Europe recently with Howard Dean and others.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rick-jacobs/the-coalition-of-the-will_b_6343.htmlThe Coalition of the Willing Expected A Plan (20 comments )
"Last week, I was in Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia (if that's where Armenia and Georgia reside) with Howard Dean. We were very well received everywhere, at very high levels. In Budapest, capital of a formerly major contributor to the Coalition of the Willing (I think they had 100 or so drivers in Iraq), a senior advisor to the opposition party, which is conservative, expressed her shock to me that Bush and his team do not have a plan to get out of Iraq. "
She seemed incredulous to the point of utter disbelief that the leader of the most powerful nation on earth could get into a complicated place like Iraq and have no clue how to get out."More at the link above.
More about Rick Jacobs.
http://www.bravenewfilms.org/rick.phpThis trip will also be covered at the blog of this Los Angeles City Council member who went with them.
http://www.ericgarcetti.org/blog/index.phpI found these pictures of Howard Dean's visit to the memorial for the Armenia genocide victims. Very moving. (Site appears to be loading slowly.)
http://oneworld.blogsome.com/2005/08/20/ho...tsitsernakaberdHere are two of them.