this email a few days ago announcing what looks like could be a fantastic site! Check out the beta version up now....
Hi there --
Kari Chisholm here, from Mandate Media. I'm a political consultant and internet strategist in Portland, Oregon - and I wanted to let you about a new project we're launching later this week.
It's - and we think it'll become an important part of the progressive infrastrucuture across the country.
http://www.LeftyBlogs.comEvery 10 minutes, LeftyBlogs scans over 600 local progressive blogs and looks for new stuff. Then, on the website, it indexes it all - state by state.
In short, it's a very easy and very fast way for you to find out what's happening in the progressive blogosphere all across America.
Want the latest on the Ohio pay-to-play scandal? Go to the Ohio page. Want the latest on the Maryland governor's race? Go to the Maryland page. You get the idea.
I'm emailing you in advance of our launch - because I want to make sure all the best blogs are being indexed. Drop by, and make sure your favorite local progressive blogs are listed (including your own, if you have one.)