and especially oil companies making record profits. I don't think alot of people naturally make the connection. I was talking to my sister and - this is going to blow your mind - she read an article where Ah-nold was going to cut the education budget and being a teacher she was a bit upset eventhough it wasn't her state. So I said, "that's what you get when you vote republican, cutting education and stuff like that so we can have tax cuts for big business." so she says, "I thought republicans liked small business." "Well, I guess they do like that but they like big business even better because that's where they get all their campaign contributions. Then she says, "Arnold Schwarzenegger's a republican?!?!?" and I'm thinking "UNBELIEVABLE!". So I said, yeah he's republican and she asks "So what's so great about democrats?" I tried to tell her that democrats are for average working people etc, but I think she's more interesting in banning abortion.
but my point - I don't think enough people make the connection between republicans and big business and they certainly don't make the connection between big business and world events.