everyone Sunday exactly what would happen in regards to Bush this week. All is playing true to form. Yes the media is trying to play this all up like it is some big damn deal that he cut his vacation short. Just once I wish one of these so called liberal media persons would ask this sorry excuse for a human the following, " Mr president, in August 2001 when you were getting heat about taking a vacation, you were quoted as saying, " you do not need to be in Washington to do work. You know you can conference call and do all sorts of things".
This would kind of make this big play of flying back to Washington 2 days earlier look exactly for what it is. Bush needs the exposure. He has got to show that compassionate side to his sorry self....
I would not be surprised if he got on a heap of house ruins with a megaphone....and procliamed to the world that whomever is responsible for this will be dealt with fast and furious. I will hunt em down "dead or alive"..... and if they want to do try this again, "then bring em on".....
Quoting now, " Personally, I think you're a fucking idiot."