Remember when the disatrous fires in California and elsewhere in the west was USED by the administration and its corporate buds to craft ironically-named Healthy Forests Initiative? Healthy Forests basically allowed private interests to log the snot out of national forests and other areas... (Sidenote: Similar to Bush denying New Orleans funds to prepare for hurricanes, let us not forget that the administration denied San Diego funds for fire-fighting equipment right before the fire!!)
Remember also the Asian Tsunami was seen by Rice as an "opportunity" to exert influence?
And, of course, everyone here is familiar with what the administration did with the 9/11 disaster.
Now, with oil facilities taking a hit in the gulf, how long will it be before someone says we need to diversify our sources of oil...drilling in California and in ANWAR??? Or that the oil companies need to be bailed out with tax cuts or loans? How will they use this natural and human disaster to implement some ghastly hidden policy?
Sadly, we know them too well....