Edited on Tue Aug-30-05 09:24 PM by olafvikingr
My letter to the editor for the Syracuse Post Standard was printed in the hard copy version of the paper today (Didn't find it on their website). My first LTTE and my first one printed :)
Here is the part they printed:
I have seen multiple reports suggesting how people that support the President are considered patriotic, while those that speak for the safety of our troops, and question the policies of this administration are pushed to the side and labeled radicals. Patriotism is not defined as support for a particular political party, or person. Patriotism is defined by the love of one’s Nation, its people and its principles. Those that seek to make sure that the government does right by us are the true patriots. Patriotism is not sticking a bumper sticker on your car that says “Support the Troops”. It might as well say “Support Chinese Sticker Makers”. Patriotism is not bragging about your support for the war as you drive your SUV off to your daily 9 to 5 and then complain because you can’t afford the gas in it.
As citizens it is our DUTY to ensure that those that volunteer to serve this Nation and put their lives on the line; are only required to do so when it is absolutely necessary. They are the ones that will die. It is their families that will grieve. So when the evidence shows that our government is not being on the level with us, and the evidence they use for war blows away with a faint breeze, we must stand up and cry foul. Our troops deserve no less.
Edited for full context of original letter:
I think it is important for the media to maintain an unbiased approach when reporting. It is the job of the media to report the truth, and not to function as a political branch of government. I have seen multiple reports suggesting how people that support the President are considered patriotic, while those that speak for the safety of our troops, and question the policies of this administration are pushed to the side and labeled radicals. Patriotism is not defined as support for a particular political party, or person. Patriotism is defined by the love of one’s Nation, its people and its principles. Those that seek to make sure that the government does right by us are the true patriots. Patriotism is not sticking a bumper sticker on your car that says “Support the Troops”. It might as well say “Support Chinese Sticker Makers”. Patriotism is not bragging about your support for the war as you drive your SUV off to your daily 9 to 5 and then complain because you can’t afford the gas in it.
As citizens it is our DUTY to ensure that those that volunteer to serve this Nation and put their lives on the line; are only required to do so when it is absolutely necessary. They are the ones that will die. It is their families that will grieve. So when the evidence shows that our government is not being on the level with us, and the evidence they use for war blows away with a faint breeze, we must stand up and cry foul. Our troops deserve no less.
If you support the troops, you don’t send them to die for lies and fabrications. They’ll appreciate your support more if you are not so fickle with their lives. They would rather have the kind of support they get to live to see. When the President of our Nation spends more time on vacation than any other previous President; when the President of our Nation suggests he has to “get on with his life”, what kind of example does he set for all of us? I’d wager Casey Sheehan wanted to get on with his life as well. Alas, he no longer has the choice.
So stop with the silly political back door business dealing, and get down to business. This country is in trouble. This country needs truth now more than ever. This Nation needs its media to help find and publicize that truth. Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, XXXXXXXXXXX NYS Army National Guard, 1990-91 United States Navy, 1991-95