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What's wrong with our country - this guy MUST be a 'puke without a clue.

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FormerRepublican Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-30-05 10:48 PM
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What's wrong with our country - this guy MUST be a 'puke without a clue.
I have web sites that I usually go to each day, including several on the looming bird flu pandemic. In one of them, I ran across a post from someone regarding the hurricane that sounds suspiciously like a 'puke. When I realize how clueless these jerks are, it makes me want to NOT help them if they get into trouble, EVER, no matter what!

Here's a quote to make you sick:

"I hate to be a cold b@stard but what did people think was going to happen?

It was a "shelter of last resort" not a "shelter somewhat comfortable".

I have this idea that people think they should be "taken care of" (they determine what that means) or evacuation of the sick and injured should be a NO RISK to them.

People in out society expect this level of service.

"Shelter of last resort" mean it is the last place to go or you will die. There is no where else to go. Even then there may be death because they can't guarantee 100% survivability.

WTF should shelter management assure that you have everything you need to take care of yourself including fixing you up if you don't have medicine?

As to evacuating the sick and injured, I think this is another thing brought on by our society. When moving the infirm, current medical requirements is to mitigate ALL risk of injury or death. You can't do it in these situations.

There is going to be some risk. To stay means certain death, to go means possible death. WHich is better? Possible death of course but people, including the patient stay waiting for a better deal. Unfortunately, they stay to their certain death.

Don't even get me going about those who are infirm but abulatory but dreaded the 9-10 hour evacuation.

The lesson here. Don't ever be an evacuee or a refugee. Shelters and refugee camps are a cellpool and your life isn't even in your own hands. Wait until you hear the horror stories from the Superdome after it is over.

Do what you can to prepare for your own survivabilty. No one is going to take care of you but yourself.

Don't get the wrong idea. I am not that heartless of a b@stard. There are people whom society must care for. The trouble is the bar has been lowered and lowered over the years and people who would normally take care of themselves in the past now insist that society take care of them. They have "retired" early."

Basically, this guy is saying the government shouldn't help even in the aftermath of something like Katrina. Some of his follow-up posts are even more heartless. The reason why I say this guy is clueless is because I've been in situations where help is NECESSARY. Reading what this guy has to say makes me realize he's never been in that situation, so he blithely spouts filth with a total lack of knowledge of what he's talking about. If this guy were stuck in the Superdome in the middle of Katrina, he'd be the first guy demanding everything under the sun. The hypocracy makes me ill.

If you wonder why Bush is such a heartless jerk, just look at the opinions of his supporters...

And people wonder why I'm no longer Republican... I'm not heartless or cruel enough to be Republican.
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Tace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-30-05 10:55 PM
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1. It's Taken Me 50 Years To Realize A Lot Of People Are Complete Assholes
For example, this guy.
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Kindigger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-30-05 11:49 PM
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2. Horrifying posts!
I think I'm going to have to turn off the TV, and the internet for awhile if I want to save my sanity.
I haven't had any experience with hurricanes. I have felt anger, and indifference whenever expensive beachfront homes are wiped out, rebuilt, and filled with new "stuff". To me it shows a lack of self, place, and permanence...just total meaningless, robotic existence.

Only now as the water rises do I feel overwhelming sorrow and empathy, as I lost my home in the flood of '93. I remember when the "no wake" order was lifted, and we went back to see if anything was left. We got out of the boat onto the roof, and dropped down into the water. There were snakes, and even a beaver inside. I walked on my toes, holding my head high to keep from swallowing the sewage filled water. I tiptoed over to the shelf 6" from the ceiling, and found my photo albums sticky with humidity, but salvageable. I searched for my childhood jewelry box (the pressed cardboard kind with the ballerina inside), but it had disintegrated, and disappeared. Three months later I slogged through the mud in the yard, and at the bottom of the steps lay my charm bracelet! Its my prized possession to this day.

Watching everyone on Nightline this evening searching for a small piece of their life...God. I totally understand, and I can't even begin to describe my feelings. The whole scene is hitting closer to home, and my heart with each passing day.
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sue_66 Donating Member (58 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-30-05 11:53 PM
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3. Only a Puke could feel that way
heartless miserable bastards
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