CRAWFORD, Tex., Aug. 2, 2003 -- President Bush landed at his ranch this afternoon for a month of fun and fundraising after undergoing a three-hour physical that found him in top shape. In what has become an annual tradition, Bush stopped at National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda for the exams on his way to a month-long stay at his 1,600-acre Prairie Chapel Ranch, which he will use as a base for traveling to political and official events.
Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.) complained about the vacation Friday.
"In this moment of great potential peril, the president is preparing to retire for a month to his ranch in Texas," Byrd said on the Senate floor. "The question needs to be asked: Who's minding the White House?"
Bush used his radio address to take credit for signs of a strengthening economic recovery. "We are starting to see some results from our actions," he said. Virginia Gov. Mark R. Warner, in the Democratic response, attacked Bush's "massive tax cuts," and said,
"Right now, this nation is on track for the worst job creation record since the Great Depression." A CBS News tally shows this is Bush's 26th presidential trip to Crawford. He has spent all or part of 166 days at the ranch or en route -- the equivalent of 5-1/2 months.
When Bush's trips to Camp David and Kennebunkport, Maine, are added, according to the CBS figures, Bush has spent 250 full or partial days at his getaway spots -- 27 percent of his presidency so far.Bush receives daily intelligence briefings at the ranch and can meet with Cheney and the rest of his war cabinet by secure videoconference. White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Friday that he does not think the president of the United States "ever gets a break," and said Bush continues to focus on work while in Texas.