Even if we don't get the Senate. If we retake the House, we then can proceed to aggitate for IMPEACHMENT. When the articles of IMPEACHMENT are prepared in the House - that means he's been impeached. It then goes to the Senate to "close the deal," in effect. There's a trial on the articles of IMPEACHMENT, and if a majority in the Senate votes aye, then he's not only IMPEACHED, he's REMOVED FROM OFFICE. Which would be even sweeter. That's what the bad guys failed to do against Clinton. Yeah, they got the articles of impeachment together, off the ground, and onto the Senate. But their efforts stalled in the Senate, because they didn't have the votes to convict. Therefore, Clinton stayed in office.
If we even only get that far with bush in, say, 2007, it would almost be enough to leave him, and his record, and his vaunted "place in history" with a blemish like that. It would be a HUGE ego blow to all things republi-CON, and it would be a stench that would stick. Even if he survived in the Senate, he would carry around as big and ever-present a cloud over his head as the dirt cloud following Pigpen around in the "Peanuts" cartoons. It would damage his so-called "legacy." He'd go down in the history books, in the most simplistic terms as another "president" who got IMPEACHED, and that's what he'd be remembered for.
He would be damaged goods. He'd be defanged and declawed, and it would be a big black eye to rove and all the rest of his handlers whose biggest headlines would be how they couldn't save his ass anymore - the shit and the blunders and the incompetence and the gross dereliction of duty were just TOO profound. And his "coattails" would take a lot of republi-CONS down with him. You might find maybe a dozen of them around the country who'd even be willing to stick their necks out enough to attach his name to their campaigns. Nobody'd want him to make appearances for them, although he'd still be doing fundraising banquets like crazy. (It's happening already here in California, where he went stumping and speechifying yesterday, and somehow, he and Ahnold just couldn't figure out a way to coordinate their schedules to appear together. Their polls are so lousy that neither of their sets of advisors thought it wise for them to be seen together - two "powerful" pols in free-fall, dueling poll dumps, etc.)
AND, if it somehow transpired that he was IMPEACHED, and then the Senate went along with it and convicted and removed him from office, yes, we'd get cheney. Who likely would be motivated by some pretty serious (but carefully concealed) misery. Why? Because he likes moving in the dark. He likes slithering through the shadows, underneath and behind things where people can't see or keep track, nobody's watching, nobody can tell what he's up to. He doesn't want anybody looking, or heaven forbid, actually seeing something. Mr. dickie doesn't like being forced out into the open air and sunshine where everybody can see. He'd hate it. And so would his blood pressure. And he'd start looking worse and worse and more anemic and more shriveled and older and more stressed and ... well, you know the drill. His ticker can't take the pressure or the nonstop heat of the leading spotlight. This would be a topic of public and pundit discussion for a long time. It would be unavoidable. By contrast, if he were elevated to the presidency because of bush's IMPEACHMENT and REMOVAL FROM OFFICE, he, too, would not be without a little stench rubbing off from that. Not only that, but it would likely place such a strain on his health that he wouldn't be able to capitalize as well on the perceived "momentum" of incumbency he'd then inherit by default. His health wouldn't allow it. His wife would start complaining. And we'd get the crap about "needing to spend more time with his family" as the reason why he'd not run for "reelection" on his own.
The challenge would lie in whomever cheney would chooses as his veep under such circumstances. And we'd have to hunker down on that one, and be vigilant. But, even by then, bush would have rendered them ALL a pile of damaged goods. TOO MANY voters would be inclined to want to give the other guys a try, for a change, since these schmucks have run the show for so long and look what a mess they made. The bad guys would NOT be playing from a position of strength.
And if cheney chose somebody like Rudy Giuliani, Rudy's pro-choice and funky personal "family values" scandals would cost him some of his luster, too, once he was foisted on the national stage for real. If he caved to the extremists on choice, he'd lose the other women's vote and he'd be compromised as a candidate on his own in 2008.
An IMPEACHMENT, even without the accompanying REMOVAL FROM OFFICE, would be a great gift. A GREAT gift. WELL worth working for. Because, believe me, if bush is impeached, it'll be for such a magnitude of offenses it would make Clinton's impeachment for a stained blue dress look like a joke by comparison, and it would damage republi-CONS for a LONG time.