was cutting is 5 week vacation short by 2 days so he could "oversee" the hurricane response. Well they must have a late checkout policy at the “Lazy W” ranch, because he still has not left the ranch. I am starting to wonder what 2 days he was giving up?
If you will recall, he flew to DC to sign the Terry Schiavo bill, but for the 100’s dead, he won’t even leave the ranch.Meanwhile, in the real world, things are going from bad to worse in gulf coast areas. Whole towns have been scrubbed from the map, near riots in New Orleans and dead bodies floating in the water.
12:15pm and Bush has not shown any leadership what-so-ever. Not a strong word, not a crocodile tear, nothing. While I know there is nothing that he himself can do to stop this from happening, right now those in harms way and the rest of the nation want to be told it’s going to be alright. You missed your chance to show you care Bushy, you have proven to be the heartless ass I knew you had in ya.