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Most of us cannot even start to imagine living without the basic

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question everything Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 12:21 PM
Original message
Most of us cannot even start to imagine living without the basic
services of running water and electricity and sewer system. Sure, on occasions we go camping without, but this is a game, and after several days we go back to the comfort of our home.

Then we read about disaster in distant places, like Bosnia. And, again, we cannot begin to imagine how people can leave in utter chaos for years.

And now, the misery in the Gulf Coast brings things closer to home. The reporters interview regular folks, who speak English.

And then, there is Iraq. We have not heard much about Iraq these past few days, but I don't think that running water and electricity and operating sewer have returned to their normal days before the invasion.

But this is in far, distant places where the sufferers do not even speak the language.

Never had much patience to spectators sport, never supported tax payers money to pay for sports stadium, but perhaps they can be useful in times of disaster.

Just some musing in the middle of the day.

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bribri16 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 12:44 PM
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1. I think we all need to prepare ourselves for disaters of some kind.
Karma is a bitch!!!
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