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The oil barons are drooling - "Experts: $4 a gallon gas coming soon"

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FormerRepublican Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 05:18 PM
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The oil barons are drooling - "Experts: $4 a gallon gas coming soon"
"NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Consumers can expect retail gas prices to rise to $4 a gallon soon, but whether they stay there depends on the long-term damage to oil facilities from Hurricane Katrina, oil and gas analysts said Wednesday.

"There's no question gas will hit $4 a gallon," Ben Brockwell, director of pricing at the Oil Price Information Service, said. "The question is how high will it go and how long will it last?"

OPIS tracks wholesale and retail oil prices and provides pricing information for AAA's daily reports on fuel prices.

Brockwell said with gasoline prices now exceeding $3 a gallon before even reaching the wholesale level, it "doesn't take a genius" to expect retail prices to hit $4 a gallon soon."

But with Bush in office, no one will stop the looting of the American public's pocketbook. Bush will drive the country into another Great Depression to support his oil cronies.

:mad: :cry: :scared: :puke:
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Zuni Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 05:19 PM
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1. what is good for big oil is bad for the rest of us
that should be our new catchphrase
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OneTwentyoNine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 05:21 PM
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2. All they have to do is get it out there,the media will do the rest....
Thats the BS that ran us up to 3.00 in DAYS around here. If they say $4.00 the by GOD lets raise it to $4.00.

Only a boycott of a major Oil company will end this bullshit.
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firefox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 05:25 PM
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3. Where is the call for conservation
Nobody seems to have said it is time to do voluntary conservation to help the country get over this disaster.

Four dollar a gallon gas is the only conservation plan the misadministration wants.
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yewberry Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 05:58 PM
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4. Already past that in GA today.
It's over $4/gal, and there's a run on gas (because of rumored shortages.)
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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 06:05 PM
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5. when the American people lose; the oil companies win ...
endless war in Iraq, oil companies make billions ...
hurricane disaster, oil companies make billions ...
"peak oil", oil companies make billions ...
relaxed air pollution regs, oil companies make billions ...

it's time we made our government work for us instead of for the oil companies ... in fact, let's nationalize the oil companies ... these greedy bastards are driving our country into the ground ...
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