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How the Bush administration failed (again)

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nyhuskyfan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 07:12 PM
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How the Bush administration failed (again)
There is no way to avoid the fact that bad things will happen when you are president. It's the way life is. Natural disasters occur, bad people do bad things, and it's a very large country where a lot of things can go wrong at a moment's notice. No president can guarantee 100 percent safety from anything, nor would it be fair to expect it.

Could 9/11 have been prevented? We'll never know for sure (unless LIHOP or MIHOP is someday proven). Could the damage from Katrina been reduced? You can definitely make that case, but it's tough to prove something that's hypothetical.

All I think that you ask from your leadership is the reassurance that everything possible is being done to protect its citizens. When threats loom, you have a REPSONSIBLITY to prepare for the worst. You can hope or pray for the best, but you make damn sure that you are prepared for the worst-case scenario for the good of the citizens. If you over-prepare and things aren't as bad as feared, nobody is hurt and pretty much nobody notices. If you ignore warnings and under-prepare, and then disaster strikes, you make it worse.

If Bush had taken the Hart/Rudman report and Richard Clarke's advice seriously, and actually taken tangible measures in response to the August 6 PDB, then I would have virtually no reason to hold 9/11 against them. But they didn't. They chose to ignore everything. No daily meetings the way Clinton had when building up to the Millennium bomb theat. Nothing.

On the actual day of 9/11, word comes of a hijacking at 8:30 and nothing is done. No jets scrambled. Nobody is on high alert. Then the first plane hits at 8:48. No jets scrambled. Nobody leaves Florida classrooms to get all necessary information on what's happening. We are supposedly in a period of heightened state of alert (the system was blinking red) a hijacking takes place and nobody reacts? The WTC gets hit by a plane and nobody reacts?

Once again, as a leader, you should immediately prepare for the worst. If you scramble jets and get the military on the scene and it turns out it was just some crazy cook in a tiny single-engine plane who wanted to die in spectacular fashion and not even a single WTC window was broken, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe you spend a little money on jet fuel, but no harm done. And you also get a very realistic training exercise on how to handle potential threats. You can study the day's events and guage reaction time and where breakdowns in communication took place so that you can perform better the next time. If these measures had been taken immediately on 9/11, maybe the second tower could have been spared. Or maybe the Pentagon. Or maybe not -- but at least there would be reassurance that the government did everything it could.

Now look at this weekend. Katrina was obviously a looming threat for pretty much an entire week. The threat kept materializing and kept getting worse as the week went on, peaking on Sunday evening when the storm reached a Category 5 with New Orleans dead in its sights. I went to bed fearing that new Orleans might be completely obliterated on Monday morning.

Once again, responsible leadership should spend the time building up to the hurricane making landfall PREPARING for the worst, and increasing their preparations as the threat got larger. That means available national guard or military activated, that means emergency plans to evacuate people are instituted, that means relief ships on call in Texas or Florida where they can get there within hours of the Hurricane passing through with supplies or to transport people to safety. Berni McCoy had an excellent post with greater detail which is a must read...

Now, if the storm weakens and the damage is minimal, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief -- and again, you could evaluate what was done and maybe create task forces to study areas need improving for the next big storm threat. I would much rather see emergency measures taken that turn out to be unnecessary, then doing nothing and then scrambling after the fact. You don't wait and see what happens and THEN make efforts to act on behalf of your citizens. You should prepare for the worst and hope it's not needed.

If the Millennium bombing occurred at LAX, it would have been tragic, but I would have been reassured to know that Clinton was meeting with his staff daily to deal with the threat and that all important people were on a heightened state of alert. You can do everything in your power, and bad things can still happen.

With this administration, though, they don't do a damn thing until well after the fact. And they are always, always too late. They are always reading children's books or hiding in Nebraska or strumming a guitar or something other than taking care of their citizens. If this administration did everything they could to prepare for Katrina (including ending vacation) and there were still a few hundred people killed, you couldn't criticize them. If they had met every day after the August 6 APB and 9/11 still happened, you could at least be reassured that the effort was there to prevent it. If they had prepared for a difficult task in securing Iraq, instead of going on the "flowers and candy" model, maybe thousands of people would still be alive and we'd still have some respect around the world.

Some things are out of your control. This administration, though, consistently screws up the things that it CAN control. And that's why it keeps failing the American people.

(Note: I posted this on GD, but it fell off the page so fast (and it took so long to type), so I thought I'd put it here).
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bonzotex Donating Member (740 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 07:23 PM
Response to Original message
1. I read it, nice post! , good points n/t
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napi21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 07:25 PM
Response to Original message
2. Well, I don't want it to fall off again. I agree with you. The problem
is, Shrub supporters don't! They're willing to take the chance that nothing will happen, and if it does, it's God punishing the gays and abortion crowd!

I posted a similar response to another thread, but still haven't heard why MS and AL would have been included in this God pay back thing.

I think Shrub lives in a dream world, where nothing bad really happens, and 9/11 was an aberation that will never happen again!
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jimshoes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 07:25 PM
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3. Good post
and very true. Nominated
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Connie_Corleone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 07:32 PM
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4. Failure is the only thing they succeed at. nt
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Stinky The Clown Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 07:55 PM
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5. An excellent post and it gets my nomination
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NoFederales Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 08:18 PM
Response to Original message
6. Preparedness is indeed the very thing that our Federal Gov. has
balled up in a tangle of redtape &/or bureaucratic inaction, for example, FEMA tied up inside of Homeland Security regs (which seem more concerned about $$$$$$$ than protection of the public. The potential for health disaster is so great down there; what's the PLAN? Beats the fuck out of anyone--there is no plan. The rape was successful, time to move along.

You are exactly right that you get ramped up for all of the possibilities a natural disaster might bring and begin executing it immediately in the aftermath. New Orleans tried to warn and get people out of harms way; I'm not sure about elsewhere along the coast. I hope the Federal entanglement of State responses and the loss of monies is widely investigated and reported: Fucked Up Compassionate Conservatism--Is This What Your Govern-meant?

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nyhuskyfan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 08:22 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Project Impact...
Not sure if it would have made a difference in this current disaster, but it was a Clinton initiative for emergency response that was implemented in his second term. Bush cut it before he even had all his furniture in the White House. The theory had to be, if Clinton did it, it has to go (or else, "that money needs to go to tax cuts for my friends").
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Booster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 08:44 PM
Response to Original message
8. An excellent post, and I know you feel better after that much venting.
I, of course, feel the same way, and am frustrated that there is nothing we can do about getting some real leadership in this country. The current administration is worse than plain ignorant on how to lead, they are dangerous as Hell. Oh, & nominated your post.
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greekspeak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 08:47 PM
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9. A kick for REAL Americanism!
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bvar22 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 09:03 PM
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10. A nomination and a kick.
Beautifully presented.
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SnoopDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 09:07 PM
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11. An excellent post - your points are right on...
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Mr_Spock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-05 09:09 PM
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12. I think you've really hit on a fundamental difference between Party's
I actually believe that this Freeper President believes the old RW adage that Liberals "over-react" to things. They think that the Federal government should be small and that it is only there for protecting the nation. I believe that they are SO obsessed with not wasting or overreacting like "liberals" do, that the "under-reaction" that we have witnessed so frequently with this malAdministration is a pathological consequence of their root belief system. In fact, it is why I believe that Republicans in general are unfit for government. They are anti-government. We are a government OF THE PEOPLE. It could be said that they are ANTI-PEOPLE. I believe that they ARE INDEED anti-people - I think they distrust their own citizens so much that they are unfit for governing. They do fine as a minority party keeping the reigns on government, but they cannot be in charge for long without driving our national spirit directly into the ground.
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PinkyisBlue Donating Member (617 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 03:22 AM
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13. Failure
But Bush is good because he has never had a girlfriend in the White House:sarcasm:
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