I was seething when I walked in the door, so you bet: I wrote to my very own House Representative; The STEVEN (ya gotta wonder) LaTourette:
Hope I don't bore you but I had to vent!
To the Honorable STEVEN C. LaTourette (this header was built into the email)
Please….. You have to earn the “Honorable”
(People with honor don’t look the other way while our country is being destroyed)
August 31, 2005
To STEVEN C. LaTourette,
Just wondering what you are going to do about the Crisis in the OIL INDUSTRY, STEVE? Can you take two minutes to explain the cost of gas going up 50 cents in 24 hours?? How are we going to avoid going into another Depression this winter? Do you really think they are going to stop without some kind of Government Intervention? I am not asking for some lilting letter about how much you have done for us STEVE, how you are really standing up for the little guy, how you don't take walking orders from the Bush CABAL; it is time for Action.
I am asking you, STEVEN C. LaTourette, as your constituent, to sponsor legislation taxing the OBSCENE PROFITS that the OIL INDUSTRY (all time record) is reaping on the backs of Consumers. This money can be used to fund alternate fuel sources, fuel-efficient automobiles, or given back to us in the form of rebates. If you blow me off, I promise I will work tirelessly to get you and your party out of office in 2006. (Well, I am going to do that regardless) If you cannot see the handwriting on the wall now, you deserve what is coming to you and your party, whose wholesale incompetence has brought this country to the brink of economic catastrophe.
Speaking of Catastrophe: nice flip-flop on the CAFTA vote, STEVE... thanks so much for only thinking of those big Republican Supporters! You know STEVE; we do read the papers, from the Plain Dealer:
SNIP> LaTourette attributes flip-flop on CAFTA to tariff no one pays!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Stephen Koff
Plain Dealer Bureau Chief
How ultimately embarrassing for you, and for the Fourteenth District!! And now we await the further erosion of jobs here in the United States.
Again, STEVE, you have some explaining to do, and I am still waiting to hear about the speech you are going to give at MY KID'S High School, you know, about their hopes for a rosy future! Letter (5/14/05)
(Stow Munroe Falls High School)
Can't Wait to hear from you, and I can't wait to talk to voters about you!
***** *. ******, SR.
I don't know about you guys, but I think it is time to hold these bastards feet to the fire, let's get out there and start blistering.
(BTW, I left a rather UPTEMPO voice mail on his Director of Activities VM, of course you may not leave VM directly to the STEVEN)
Next up: Voinovich!
link to PD article: