Edited on Thu Sep-01-05 01:51 AM by Husb2Sparkly
Congress is due back in session next week. Who might we rely on to say something along the lines of:
"This country is being mismanaged. We have hundreds of thousands of our precious citizens grieving, wandering, wondering, and dying in the streets and back roads of cities and towns along a hundred miles of our once beautiful and now ravaged Gulf Coast.
The country surely has the resources to lend aid. It is our government's highest duty to lend aid. And yet we have seen precious little. And what little we've seen is woefully late.
As a United States (insert speaker's position here) I am appalled. As a citizen I am distressed. As an American I am angry. As a human being I am disconsolate.
The current administration has mismanaged everything with which they've become involved. The War in Iraq© is being mismanaged, as is the 'constitutional process' they've been touting as their crowning achievement. The security of our country is being mismanaged to the point that our borders are porous, are ports insecure, our airline security system an affront to our citizens, and our first responders are less than they were before the events of September 11.
And today we are more than a week beyond the date of the greatest catastrophe ever to befall our citizens. A Category 5 hurricane raged for days, giving clear signs of its target. And yet, in the face of that rage - and that clear indication of its victim's location - we had a president who continued to vacation, interrupted not to help the country, but to raise funds for his political party and to politic for ill-advised, ill-conceived, and ill-intended cuts to our social safety net.
As I stand here before you today, we see widespread suffering, borne decidedly and unfairly by the least of the least of us. More have died in the aftermath of this monstrous storm that died as its direct result. Those deaths are the direct and absolute result of the gross mismanagement of our national weal by the president .......... "
The person who says this will be the next president of the United States.
Will that person be a Democrat?
If so .... who?
<edited to correct splleeling and punc'tuation, errors. x( >