Transcript excerpt from Senate Commerce, Science and Technology hearing on July 19, 2005. Sen. Kerry Questions Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff on his department's preparedness to face a major disruption of an American port:
KERRY: I'd just like to focus on one quickly in my opening comments, if I can, and that is the issue of port security, specifically management of the grant program and the status of national prevention and contingency plans.
In January, the DHS inspector general issued a report you're well familiar with saying that the current design of the grants program compromises DHS's ability to direct resources to the nation's highest priorities.
In assessing the administration of the program, the I.G. found that only one staff person at TSA managed the distribution of 811 grants in 2003; found that 82 of 86 grant applications transferred from TSA to the Office of Domestic Preparedness lacked merit but still received funding; and most importantly, found that of the $564 million that was awarded through 2004, only $106 million was actually spent to improve port security.
This is a fairly amazing statistic, as well as reality, when you measure what experts have told us about ports and the potential threat, which you're well familiar with.
I know that you and DHS concurred with most of the recommendations, but it's never been set forth, sort of precisely, how that's going to ultimately be implemented.
Last week, on the homeland security appropriations bill, I submitted an amendment to require the inspector general and others to report within 90 days detailing how that implementation is taking place, will take place. So, obviously, I hope you'll cooperate in that effort.
But, more importantly, I am really concerned, and I think others are, that we remain ill prepared.
Now, I heard your comments the other day, and I respect the distinction you're trying to draw. I would concur that we can't prevent everything, and there are certain limits and there are certain realities we have to live with.
But the department still has not finished a national maritime security plan mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act. The country still has no plan to reroute commerce should a port be attacked. And that lack of planning could prove destructive to our economy if there were a major port being closed, especially if oil or natural gas deliveries were stopped. So I would urge you to tackle this. Obviously, I have some questions on it when the question period comes.
I hope we never need it, but there's no doubt in my mind that railroads, highways and cities are all impacted by what does or doesn't happen with respect to port security itself, because they're so interconnected.
And I look forward to having a chance to explore this with you a little bit.
It doesnt take genius to extrapolate from that some info that leads into the current crisis because of the natural disaster in the Gulf now. It also doesn't take a genius to figure out that Kerry is still a sitting US Senator, still a powerful member of Congress and still capable of lobbying the Commerce Committee and the Senate to hold hearings, figure out what went wrong and hold people accountable. He can actually do this and it would be an actual good thing to write to his Senate office (or the Senator of your choice, if you loathe Kerry so much) and ask them to hold accountability hearings.
So, can you compose me a letter to Kerry that contains a suggestion about something he can actually do? Or are you so full of hatred for Kerry that your brain shuts down and you can't even think when his name comes up? Prove me wrong.