even want to hear another word about tax cuts for the wealthy! When will these Dem's stand up and demand that the American people see the details of the Homeland Security Budget. How much money is going into making little old ladies take off their shoes at airports, how much to intelligence collection on "Code Pink" members and how much is actually going into disaster planning.
I'm reading that those problems that existed during 9/11 still exist. Cops, firefighter, etc. can't communicate. Where is the Guard. God, what a rip off.
If this had actually been a major terrorist attack like a nuclear weapon, complete with all of the fear and political chaos, we would be soooooo! screwed!!
Where did all that money go. Demand that we know. Demand that we see those notes from the Energy Task Force. DEMAND THAT THOSE PEOPLE WHO REPRESENT US GET US THE ANSWERS!! I'm sick of our "Representatives" who are afraid to go up against these thugs because they are afraid of the political fall-out. They need to know, especially the Dems, that there will be a lot more fall-out if they don't start standing up and getting some answers!!