It was suggested I post this to Politics....prior thread comments just called Harry Reid's office and UNLOADED....
First about this crap that Bush is spinning about how Katrina couldn't have been predicted--about the repeated cuts and cries for funding from LA; about the cronyism that has destroyed FEMA, how Dems in Washington better wake up and go after Bushco and how they should tie Bush and the GOP together as the corrupt, inept creeps that they are, how the Democratic roots are the ones dying in LA, how Roberts is another crony in judges robes and he needs to be fought if nothing else, to educate people for the next one, how the courts will screw the country for years to come, how Reid should get them all into a room and tell them all to SHUT UP so one message can go out, how Biden should quit the Senate and go to work for MBNA, how the DLC should stop undercutting Dean, how he should go talk to the House Black Caucus because they're just the only ones with any fight in them....
very pleasant young man told me that I should talk to my friends and that the Senate staffer T-shirts had "Give em hell Harry" on the backs.
I said that's nice, but the leadership in Washington better see what's going on outside the Loop. I told him people on the internet were smarter than the people in Washington and that he should read DU, Buzzflash and other sites. I said this party was about to break open if Dems didn't fight and stand for the real principles of the party. I said I'd never give another cent to them if they didn't take the gloves off and stop this "pansy-assed" business (he liked that term).
I just let it rip. I told he a lot of us were PISSED. Not the ones sitting at the party breakfasts, but the people out in their raising money,etc. on the internet...
I also said I hope Harry was feeling better and was ready to fight...
Call Harry Reid's office and tell him the angry woman from New Mexico did what he said to do--talk to my friends!
End of rant.
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