They don`t and you know it, so stop all this bleeding-heart chatter. Why should the federal government concern itself with a bunch of people on a third-floor porch? Can`t they swim? Tough luck if three of them are under the age of six. Toddlers aren`t exactly heavyweights, so just drag them along. Christ! These people were so cheap they refused to use their credit cards for hotel rooms. Weren`t they warned? So just grab your cellphone, fill up the tank and save yourself. 1-2-3-done!
I`m really sick of all the liberal whining here. Like George Bush is some kind of heartless monster just because he didn`t rush right down to New Orleans. Can`t he even take a simple vacation? What`s next? You folks bitching because he didn`t clean up your neighborhood`s toxic waste dump? It`s YOUR neighborhood. Clean it up yourself. Oh, I get it. You want to whine because your father`s pulp mill job is gone? Well, maybe he should have saved some money instead of wasting it trying to get his crappy truck going. You guys are too much.
George Bush is from one of America`s finest families. Sure, they`re wealthy, but only because they worked hard for that American Dream. These people aren`t supposed to get their hands dirty or get too serious about this so-called tolerance thing. They`re LEADERS. They lead us. If President Bush had to spend all his time on the telephone trying to find a few spare cases of water for people too lazy to swim, he wouldn`t have time for his plan to bring Christianity to the world. Give me a break.
America is moving forward, in spite of the TV pictures the liberal media show you. Look at what Donald Trump has done. Look at what professional athletes make. Look at shows like WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? Well, you can`t be a millionaire if you just sit your butt on a fallen-in porch and beg for help. Geez....like I`m supposed to feel sorry for them. As far as I`m concerned, you can trace this hurricane problem right back to Bill Clinton.