racist remarks posted on them . . .
DAILY KOS (of course, it's one of the successful websites). Now he says, "To be fair, there were many people who were offended by the remarks on this website and there was an actual fight on the website regarding a post and it was removed).
SLATE Jack Schaeffer's, Editor at Large. "Lost in the flood. "Why no mention of race or class in TV's Katrina Coverage." He claims the media is not mentioning the residents are black and appear very poor. This storm seems to have hurt blacks more than whites."
Limpball, with his compassion is stating, he has seen white people at the super dome.
The above is not verbatim so don't take it as word for word out of Limp balls mouth. Limp balls claims this is racist on Mr. Schaeffer's part by stating these people are not getting what they need because they are black and poor. Limpballs says (sic) that they do not live in an entrepreneurial part of the country. They depend on Welfare. They depend on the government. The government never came and got them so they did not leave. The white people left; however, he says he has seen white people at the Super Dome.
In my opinion, why the HELL isn't the military in there yet because the looters are robbing the Hospitals and they have no protection. They claim the National Guard is doing the majority of the work and there are over 2000 of them there??? Assistant Secy of Defense is on CNN now explaining why the National Guard will be deploying into the New Orleans area the next two days. They keep trying to explain why they do not want the military involved. It is because the military and the police cannot work as easily together as the National Guard and police can. Their communication can be handled better. I didn't think anyone could communicate with anyone down there. Could it be that because of the war, none of our young men and women can come home to help their country . . . their state.
Oh here it comes. He says what should we expect. This is a city that depends on Welfare and the Government to take care of them. That is why they didn't leave. The Government didn't come and get them.
Anyway, Limpballs doesn't see what we Liberals see. Although he is the only one that continues to bring up the fact that these people depend on welfare so they depend on the government. It is their own fault they did not leave. They figured the government could come and get them because they depend on the government for everything.
What is wrong with this man's mind? Can he not see that his very ignorant remarks just exposes him more for what he is? He is a known racist? He continues to make remarks about these people because they are on welfare. He also doesn't understand why people want the oil industry to fail. I don't think we want it to fail, we just would prefer that we are our government's first priority . . . not the oil industry.
Those on CNN are just giving us a bunch of excuses why they haven't gotten anything done. Those people are standing out in this heat. They do not feel safe. They claim
The extreme left are calling this a Holocaust of the black people. Holocausts are caused by man. They are asking why the mainstream press does not talk about the fact that these people are black and poor.
He reads an email from a woman stating that we "Libs" can get these people to the polls, why didn't we get them out of harms way. Talk about hypocrisy.
Limpballs cannot understand why these people cannot afford cars to leave.
Capitalism and entrepreneur ism versus welfare state or socialism will always win. He claims this is not racist it's just a fact. He asks why Texas is so oil rich when oil was first located in Louisiana. He claims in Texas they had to dig a ditch all the way to Dallas (or something like that). Why isn't Louisiana and New Orleans as rich. Why wasn't ditches dug and why aren't they just as rich?
I think his point is that these people are lazy, do not want to work, and it's not because they are black, it just happens to be that they are black. He states something like do people refuse to sell black people cars in New Orleans? Why can't they afford cars? He says the 67% black majority has elected a black mayor every four years.
He is stating that since the "Libs" are the ones that first noticed that the majority left behind are black. The majority of the looters are black, and by the Libs bringing this up, we are the racists ones, and we are blaming the media for not having the guts to bring up that this is an unfortunate
The majority of the residents are black so the majority of looters are black which is common sense. He keeps referring to this Mr. Schaeffer piece.
He claims everybody got wiped out (without saying not just the black people). He sees people of all races trying to help each other, he sees people of all religions trying to help each other. (Limpball's trying to say something compassionate). He claims people of color are not being left behind while others are being taken care of first. Limpballs thinks it's obscene for anyone to bring up that all left behind are black. He says we are suggesting that because the people are black, that is why they are not getting the help fast enough. Limpballs says the reason these people are so poor is the entrepreneurial mentality versus the entitlement mentality. They have a lack of ambition.
Okay. I'm watching CNN now where it says the mayor has sent out an emergency SOS, and now Bush has gotten Clinton, Daddy Bush, to speak. Put your boots on people, I have a feeling we are going to be hearing a bunch of shit . . . even from Clinton. Clinton better say what is wrong here and screw Bush. Those pictures of those people are so sad. They are burning up, they are terrified of the crowds, they are dying on the street. There are dead bodies out now due to the water receding.
Well I would like to ask him why when there was a tsunami on the other side of the World, we were there with aid for those poor people within 24 hours? He claims these people were warned to get out but we are told that no one could afford to leave their homes OR they refuses to leave their homes because someone might steal their blenders or other belongings. With the tsunami, I know the people had no idea it was coming, but we didn't know what was going on until after the disaster. You didn't see people dying from heat stroke or dehydration or getting sicker and sicker due to conditions and not enough people to help with the emergency care. The World came to their rescue as they should have.
I cannot keep up anymore and I have a headache. I cannot think the way this man does. He is warped. He hasn't said anything about the fetus comparison to the shaping of the hurricane. However, we are the racist wackos because we noticed it was mostly black people and felt the need to bring it up.
I say it's just like somalia and Rwanda. Genocide on these people have been ignored for 10 years. We have done nothing. WHY THE HELL NOT LIMPBALLS?
OMG! Limpballs just told a joke. He said that France was willing to send troops to the "French Quarter." Oh that is cute.