Edited on Thu Sep-01-05 04:21 PM by welshTerrier2
well, it's time for another walk down the driveway to get the mail ... today, a big envelope from the DNC ... it's always interesting to hear from them ...
what a surprise ... another "send us money" request ... this one's called the "Partners for Victory" Matching Fund ...
my first reaction: what exactly makes us "partners"? i've read the hostile rantings of the DLC about how i am un-American because, like 75% of other Democrats, i want a plan to get out of Iraq within one year or less ... and my specific views on Iraq? i'm for immediate or very near-term withdrawal ... as I look across the landscape of "prominent" Democrats and the official Democratic Party "non-position", i seem to be at the Party's dance without a "partner" ...
well, OK ... but let's look at the key points in the DNC's fundraising letter ... maybe there's some good news in the details ...
here's the letter's main point: "President Bush working to put every branch of our government under right-wing control with his recent Supreme Court nomination" ... and then this: "No matter how much you donate, your support is needed now, because President Bush's nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court puts in sharp focus why we Democrats must continue to transform our Party into a grassroots power that can win in all 50 states."
how pathetic is that? give money so we can fight against right-wing judicial appointments? that's their pitch for money? the Democratic Party is apparently NOT planning to fight the Roberts' nomination ... every indication so far is that they will play their little bureacratic games and then vote to approve him ...
has the Party been "right out there" in the front lines with civil rights groups and women's groups making the case against Roberts? no, they have NOT ... just the usual complaints (justified, btw) about not receiving documents ... if this is the great war against the right we're supposed to be funding, then where is the Democratic Party's participation in the great war? the truth is they aren't fighting anything ... they are using the desire many of us have to see them stand up against Roberts in a forceful and very visible way to suck up to us for money ... they're talking the talk but they're not walking the walk !!!
Other issues barely mentioned near the end of the letter included Social Security, education, and a brief reference to "equality and diversity" ...
NOT ONE FUCKING WORD ABOUT FOREIGN POLICY where the Party is totally out-of-touch with its own constituency ... with each letter I receive, it becomes clearer and clearer that the Party is unwilling, or unable, to make the changes necessary to bring their policies into line with the views of those they hope will fund them ... they just don't have a clue !!
Finally, they included the following appeal: "... help elect Democratic candidates up and down the ballot - candidates we can be proud of who aren't afraid to speak out passionately for their progressive beliefs." - i thought of their support for Bob Casey who is not just anti-abortion, he's ANTI-CHOICE ...
Are these guys for real? I will say it's nice to see them reaching out to "progressives" (they even mentioned the "grassroots" a couple of times) ... but this is nothing more than blowing smoke ... they know damned well they have huge problems with "progressives" ... they better learn very soon that it's going to take more than pretty words in a fundraising letter; it's going to take progressive leadership ... and we ain't seeing none of that ...
Take a hike, DNC ... not one more penny from me until the Party's progressive wing is given a real seat at the table ... and not another penny until the Party offers a slate of progressive candidates ... but not to worry, there are still some Democrats worth supporting and I will be doing that ... my campaign funds will go directly to them; not to a Party that's so afraid of its own shadow that it refuses to stand up and speak out about the nightmare in Iraq or the corporate agenda that has a stranglehold on our government ...
when the DNC starts telling the American people the truth and fights like hell to restore our democracy, i'm confident their fundraising will improve ... as for this letter, a letter that offers nothing but the status quo, it's on its way to the bright blue recycling bin ...