I believe Bush has finally met that thing that will finally be the undoing of the neo-cons, and the return of the Democratic Party (with "D"LC removed) to the sane middle of the road, where people are, and it is this surreal, horrific, Hurricane Katrina. I can hardly even believe, following the TV coverage, that this is my country, or the modern world. We really have been thrown back to their beloved Gilded Age, where all the non-rich "little people" can just fuck off and die--and now you know, they really meant it.
This whole tragedy is like the horrible moment when you confront an abuser with accusations of what they have done, and you can't completely believe it yourself and hope there was some other explanation, and suddenly something really horrible happens, merciless and cruel, and you realize this person was a total monster, even worse than you had imagined--shocking, brutal, hellish. Now you know that this is what Bush and the Republicans are. They cut jobs and left us with nothing, (here in our devastated Midwest, for example); they cut taxes to rich people; they all dodge the draft, then send us; they chip away at every right women have won over the years; they try again and again to kill Social Security, the only thing millions of people have--and still you think, but they can't be total devils; there will be a limit...
Helen Thomas is one of the most respected reporters ever to cover the Washington beat. She has asked them questions all the way back to Pres. Kennedy, who was very fond of her. She has been warning us all of the truth for all this time, then--I thought this would have been unheard of--she was suddenly cut out by the abuser Halliburton Administration, not present anymore at press conferences, and NO ONE in the corporate media said a word; like they were all so afraid. She got back by the credentials she has earned, and by the complaints of the non-corporate people of this country. She is one of the great reporters, she was right--and brave, especially when she stood alone--all along, and now we all know the nightmarish cruelty of the logical extension of the neo-con "everything for rich people," "civilized government itself is socialistic" attitude.