I heard this watching the September 11 Commission Report Results, Pt. 2 chaired by Cynthia McKinney
Any comments on Fitzgerald?
I'm concerned now we may not get to the truth on the Plame outing
http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=SCO20050729&articleId=759Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald, misrepresented Ali Mohamed’s FBI relationship. He told the Commission that, "From 1994 until his arrest in 1998, lived as an American citizen in California, applying for jobs as an FBI translator and working as a security guard for a defense contractor."<26>
Ali Mohamed was not just an FBI job applicant. Unquestionably he was an FBI informant, from at least 1993 and maybe 1989.<27> And almost certainly he was something more. A veteran of the CIA-trained bodyguards of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, he was able, despite being on a State Department Watch List, to come to America around 1984, on what an FBI consultant has called “a visa program controlled by the CIA”, and obtain a job, first as a security officer, then with U.S. Special Forces.<28> In 1988 he took a lengthy leave of absence from the U.S. Army and went to fight in Afghanistan, where he met with Ayman al-Zawahiri (later bin Laden’s chief deputy in al Qaeda) and the “Arab Afghan” leadership.<29> Despite this, he was able to receive an Honorable Discharge one year later, at which point he established close contact with bin Laden in Afghanistan.
Ali Mohamed clearly enjoyed U.S. protection: in 1993, when detained by the RCMP in Canada, a single phone call to the U.S. secured his release. This enabled him to play a role, in the same year, in planning the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kenya in 1998.<30>
Congress should determine the true relationship of the U.S. Government to Ali Mohamed, who was close to bin Laden and above all Zawahiri, who has been called the “main player” in 9/11.<31> (Al-Zawahiri is often described as the more sophisticated mentor of the younger bin Laden.)<32> In particular Congress should determine why Patrick Fitzgerald chose to mislead the American people about Mohamed’s FBI status.