To: NormsRevenge
""I feel much better. I feel like we've gotten everyone's attention" Translation: After I ranted like a child, hopefully nobody will blame me for my incompetence, and someone will clean up my mess.
4 posted on 09/02/2005 9:37:26 PM PDT by flashbunny (Defending the free market on free republic is like having to defend the flag at a VFW convention.)
2). To: NormsRevenge
I bet the President made him sit in his poopie diaper during the whole meeting as punishment.
6 posted on 09/02/2005 9:38:52 PM PDT by satchmodog9 (Murder and weather are our only news)
3). To: NormsRevenge; All
It seems that somebody was b slapped...
7 posted on 09/02/2005 9:39:23 PM PDT by KevinDavis (the space/future belongs to the eagles -->
4). To: NormsRevenge
President Bush told him to have a cup of STFU!
9 posted on 09/02/2005 9:39:59 PM PDT by Echo Talon (
5). To: NormsRevenge
Bush has more patience than I have - I would have SPIT on nagin's hand and then broke his face. The difference between a politcian and a Marine I suppose.
12 posted on 09/02/2005 9:40:29 PM PDT by hombre_sincero (
6). To: NormsRevenge
He should have been given Thorazine and placed in a room with no corners. At the very least Bush should have declared NO under federal martial law and relieved the honorable mayor of his burden.
13 posted on 09/02/2005 9:41:03 PM PDT by Texasforever
7). To: NormsRevenge
I guess it takes a guy with actual gonads to make the hysterical liberals calm down. It at least appears that way.
14 posted on 09/02/2005 9:41:25 PM PDT by Reactionary