Edited on Sat Sep-03-05 06:02 PM by welshTerrier2
think about power ...
we have today a situation where corporations, i.e. collections of individuals who have banded together to achieve a purpose, have become more powerful than the individuals, on their own, would be ...
in a capitalist state, "the society", i.e. a collection of all individuals, can form a government to ensure that the corporate collection of individuals did not do things contrary to society's interests ... so, for example, "the society" (which is represented (or should be) by a government, would prohibit the corporate collectives from spewing poisons into the drinking water, prohibit them from bringing slaves from other countries to work in their factories and prohibit them from shutting off critical products (e.g. food, heating fuel, airline flights) to jack-up prices or otherwise serve their commercial interests ...
so, because corporate collectives, by their very definition, seek to maximize profits with no stated obligation to serve the public interest, government regulation becomes necessary ... but this system, as we clearly see in our own country, fails when the institutions of democracy become corrupted ...
corporate interests seek to find allies inside the government ... lobbyists, coupled with the revolving door between business and government, lead to a situation where the allegiance of government is no longer to the best interests of the people who elected them but rather to commercial interests that finance their campaigns and their post-government careers ...
so, governments, when they fail are indeed an evil ... but what is the alternative? the solution is not to further demean and weaken the one institution that COULD HAVE sufficient power to see that the best interests of the people are served ... doing that leaves no source of power to restrain the greedy motives of the corporate collectives ...
what is needed is to "out" the evils of bad government; not big government ... what is needed is an education campaign to show Americans the corruption of their democracy by the corporate collectives ... what is needed is an awakening that those who serve commercial interests ahead of the interests of the people should be removed from power ...
for these reasons, I favor a strong central government ... what is needed to ensure that a strong central government, the only source of power ultimately able to restrain the evils of those with selfish motives, is a vigilant, educated populace ... the problem we have in our country is not that our government is too powerful; it's that our citizens take their democracy for granted and we have allowed our government to become infested by those who cater only to the super-wealthy and their commercial interests ...
when we awaken and educate our citizens, the power of the central government will serve the best interests of the nation ... that should be our most important mission to bring about the reforms we all seek ...