Because of Katrina and the aftermath in NOLA, my friend is the acting head of his office in Arizona right now. Ok, most of his department had to head out to NOLA. This guy is a good guy and all, but he's a foot soldier. Not really qualified to make leadership decisions, he cannot think critically or creatively like that. He's good at doing his normal investigative work. Plus, he's only been at this office for less than a year, he's 30 and has no real administrative credentials. He never has taken a college class either, he has a military and law enforcement background. If a crisis happened in his jurisdiction, he wouldn't be able to handle it that well. It sounds harsh, but I know him. I'd like to have the guy by my side in a trench, but in no way would I want to follow his lead or his analysis of a situation. It's not his nature or his skill set to think like that. The lack of federal leadership, the incompetence and ignorance of the WH has put our whole national security apparatus in turmoil. We are weakened and vulnerable. It's foolish. I'm just in awe of the stupidity and callousness of the Republican party, starting right at the top with Bush-Cheney and Co. I am stupified at the way Dems in Congress acquiesce to this shit. You cannot run a country, keep it safe, solve problems and make lives better on ideology and rhetoric. Photo ops may get you a vote or two and make you look good, but it doesn't do a damn thing other than that.
I thought I couldn't be more ashamed of our leadership, but this last few days has taken everything to a new low.