7 - Posted by: AltaD, 9/3/2005 7:58:20 AM
After hearing his and other's claims of racism, I'm tempted to sent money to an agency with a note that says -- help only white folks. As a white Republican, they assume I'm racist, so I'm tempted, but won't, behave like a racist.
Reply 8 - Posted by: Annie Colorado , 9/3/2005 7:58:25 AM
What has Kanye done for the people of NO? Nuttin, that's what, do these idiots have any idea of the Governor of Louisianna failed to do AND the idiot Mayor of NO failed to do? What does this rapper have to say about the failure of the Clinton Administration in turning DOWN funding for repairing and examining the condition of the levees around the city. Shaddup, you loser!
Reply 11 - Posted by: ayatollah, 9/3/2005 8:18:43 AM
Who cares what some uneducated pimp says.
Reply 13 - Posted by: wrw90, 9/3/2005 8:24:15 AM
Kanye is just speaking for a growing number of our dependent citizens (legal and illegal) who really believe that the government owes them. They are represented by the Black Caucus, the professional racists like Jesse and Al, and the Dims.
Reply 17 - Posted by: Bad Dog, 9/3/2005 8:59:22 AM
I came to check because I just heard this on Fox & Friends.
May I say - I am SO SICK of George Bush being blamed for everything. Really. I am.
These comments by this unknown idiot and others of like mind do nothing to bring people to his cause.
Reply 20 - Posted by: mp4747, 9/3/2005 9:06:23 AM
Tey don't want people to help. Then what they say about America will be true. They want America to fail in any effort, to show how racist and inconsiderate we are.
Reply 26 - Posted by: FlyRight, 9/3/2005 9:40:30 AM
Kanye, for reasons I am unable to discern, is the new hot star of the hip-hop world. He is college educated as are his parents (his mother is a professor). His message is a bit self pitying and race based, of course. He is what is known as a Buppy as opposed to Yuppy and is supposed to speak for the new black middle class. Kanye, by the way, is an African name and means something like The Chosen One. Anyway. It sounds like he's gotten a bit full of himself after being on the cover of time and becoming a multimillionaire. Isn't that always the way?
Reply 28 - Posted by: Impalarama, 9/3/2005 9:50:42 AM
Perhaps citizen Kayne should hip hop in his pimped out Escalade and drive down to NO where he can roll up his sleeves and "make a difference" But that would be too declasse for an up and coming gagsta.
NBC said in a statement that West's comments were unscripted and "in no way represent the views of the networks."
Yeah, and I got a mountain ski resort in Fla. for sale.
Reply 31 - Posted by: LetGeorge1, 9/3/2005 10:08:32 AM
Well let's see the rich black rappers,movie stars, race lords like JJ and Julian Bond, and other rich blacks come forward with money, limosines for evacuation, and their personal help for their fellow blacks. Get down there JJ ,Denzel,Haley Berry,Kayne, all of yall, put your butts where your mouth is.
Reply 36 - Posted by: TCloud, 9/3/2005 10:48:12 AM
Mr Kayne a perfect example of rampant liberalism. Absolutely morally bankrupt. With no GOD in their lives but the god of green cash. The battle between good and evil continues unabated!
God Bless the President and this great land of ours take pity on the suffering.
Reply 40 - Posted by: Greybird, 9/3/2005 12:06:24 PM
I think the effect of the "Hip Hop" culture was stunningly displayed . . . looting, rape, mayhem. All glorified by a large portion of the Black community . . .
Good job, Kanye . . . the morals you have helped to produce . . . ah, nevermind . . .
Reply 41 - Posted by: federale, 9/3/2005 12:23:22 PM
This race pimp should be placed on the next plane to Zimbabwe, Cuba, or North Korea and forced to remain there until he apologizes to President Bush and the American people.
Reply 42 - Posted by: Newtsche, 9/3/2005 12:34:03 PM
As usual, invert such attitudes for the truth. I suggest that Kanye and too much of black America don't care about the President or this country.
Reply 45 - Posted by: mercy street bob, 9/3/2005 1:03:55 PM
I attended an city-wide volunteer orientation this morning at Second Baptist Church in Houston. 4500 people were there to give their time to help feed the mostly black people at the Dome, the George R. Brown Convention Center and perhaps the old unused Compaq computer location on Hwy 290. 4500 people. Not one black person did I see, unless you count Middle Easterners as black. If you absolutely must call someone a racist, go stand before the mirror. 2 - Posted by: RenoLuperini, 9/2/2005 11:19:09 PM
It amazes me just how ignorant blacks are, ie. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Charles Rangle, Bill Clinton (he was the first black president) and this twit Kanye West, among others.
Reply 5 - Posted by: TheMotherCO, 9/2/2005 11:26:07 PM
Must be my server, couldn't read a word, but thanks to above replies, I get the drift. Didn't watch it, too many big mouthed blacks shooting off their mouths is not winning friends for NO, especially with the champion looters being front and center and black.
Reply 10 - Posted by: UtahLurker, 9/2/2005 11:44:07 PM
And for this they confiscate our tax dollars for welfare, and demand our charity???
Reply 15 - Posted by: nattering_nabob, 9/3/2005 1:04:00 AM
Too many black people are making black people look bad.
Reply 23 - Posted by: Momma Walton, 9/3/2005 3:10:59 AM
Not a good way to raise money!!! Dividing the country is absolutely diabolical. These people lived through a hurricane and a flood. What will these troublemakers do if we are ever attacked? They are the racists and they are the ones to be scorned. 4 - Posted by: Scotty, 9/2/2005 10:02:18 PM
Do black people care about... (oh, never mind).
Reply 22 - Posted by: osu mom, 9/2/2005 10:32:44 PM
To the black lady I just saw on FOX cursing the president: I may have just donated my last dime to helping YOUR sorry bottom recovering from this storm.
It is BEYOND ME how he can be, in their eyes, so totally responsible for everything. I am feeling a rage in my soul I seldom feel. Rot in the sewer you call home. It was your (black and/or dim) politicians that chose to save the French Quarter over YOU. GWB had nothing to do with that decision. It was YOUR mayor who let 204 buses sit idle allowing over 13,000 people stay in your cess pool rather than get out. It was YOUR state dept of health that allowed a nursing home to exist in a flood plane and let 80 people drown. I could go on and on and mad as hades I can't look you eyeball to eyeball and tell you this myself.
Reply 26 - Posted by: Al Gephart, 9/2/2005 10:37:26 PM
I'm not donating another red cent. Let them rot in their squalor.
Reply 39 - Posted by: Ddave, 9/2/2005 11:35:32 PM
Was the "rapper" Kenye West fondling his genitals and thrusting out the contorted fingers of his other hand when he made these comments ?
Reply 42 - Posted by: deaddog, 9/2/2005 11:46:14 PM
Dear Kanye West,
We try to help and you call us racist,
But the looters and killers all have black faces.
Put that on your next hate whitey record.
My family in MS has given all we can to help. We were without power for five days and still managed to feed and house people who lost everything. I truly hate your guts, you rich talentless, POS. 11 - Posted by: Scotty, 9/2/2005 9:58:02 PM
Another day, another slam from a multi-millionaire black whining about how unfair life is in the US.