Edited on Sat Sep-03-05 06:57 PM by Lydia Leftcoast
do is first get together and run on a simple but united platform, so that they are all repeating the same talking points in every appearance.
Here are my suggestions:
1. For all its bragging about "making America safe," the Bush administration absolutely botched the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. If they mess up so badly after a predicted hurricane and predicted flooding, they would do even worse in a surprise terrorist attack.
2. We will rebuild the ruined towns and cities of the Gulf Coast and do so with local labor, so that everyone who needs a job can get one.
2. We follow the advice of the nation's finest scientists and engineers to rebuild these communities in ways that will prevent them from being this badly damaged again.
4. We will pay for this by withdrawing the troops from Iraq. We are spending $x million per day in Iraq. Think of what we could do with that money here. Our National Guard and their equipment need to do the job they were meant for: protecting Americans at home.
They can add their own ideas, especially ideas that will be appealing to their constituents, but whenever a Gulf state resident sees a Dem candidate in person or on TV, that candidate starts by reiterating those four points.
How do you think Republicans all end up parrotting the same talking points?