It is no longer a Democrat/Republican world, but rather a bush crime family/Everyone else world.
Play time is almost over and the sharks have control of the Federal government of the United States, as well as a number of other governments - states as well as foreign, some cities, etc.
It's the new world order and they aren't nice people. Or do you think bush is a nice man? Was Condi hiding out at Spamalot? These are terrorists.
All one needs do is look at the cruelty and torture they enabled to happen to hundreds of thousands of people on the Gulf Coast, especially New Orleans, where they put a completely captive population of tens of thousands of people through artificial hell because they could. eat cake.
I will never forget the Director of Homeland Security saying on TV into the camera that the tens of thousands of people at the civic center suffering and dying, and living through an artificial hell were being fed, had water, shelter, food, and security. The head of Homeland Security was corrected by the reporter. This isn't real, it's staged.
The shock and awe being visited on the peoples of the gulf as well as all American People by Government policy is terrifying.
The cops who walked off the job in NO are heros. They said, "If this is what they are doing, I want no part of it." And they knew what the government was doing because they were right there on the scene.
Why could news reporters go to where there were thousands of our starving, dying, countrymen and women. kids, old folks in wheel chairs, and the government couldn't provide any relief?
The congressman who had thousands of people at shelters in his ward who had no water, food, or medicine, or security who couldn't get FEMA, the guard or the Military to fly in a pile of supplies waiting at the air field, all day he tried, but the orders weren't there. He couldn't make them do it.
This wasn't an accident, it was SOP everywhere.