Edited on Sun Sep-04-05 03:16 AM by texpatriot2004
conference regarding this tragedy. I appreciated hearing from this group of leaders about the failed response to Katrina. Your recurring message of "the least among us" was poignant and powerful...and true. I am so ashamed of my Federal Government. Just when I think that this administration cannot take us to a lower point, they do. Your stand, your united efforts meant a great deal to me at this time as there was such a colossal failure in leadership from my Federal Government. It's interesting to me as I am not an African-American but I am appalled by this blatant disregard for the poor, the elderly, the sick, the young, and the minorities who were (and are still) suffering because of this tragedy. I am an American. I saw people of many races there suffering, yet that doesn't matter to me as we are all equal. As in the last "election" it is outrageous and infuriating that African-Americans were clearly disenfranchised and left behind. This is unacceptable. Furthermore, I thought that as a Nation, we were farther ahead in our struggle for civil rights, equal rights, human rights. How could this happen in America? Thank you for your courage, your comments, your leadership, your action, your concern, and most of all, your voices who reached me last night. I was moved by them and I was grateful to hear your words of reason and peace. And Jesus will answer them, "Whatever you neglected to do unto one of these least of these, you neglected to do unto Me!"