This lowlife and his Republican pals at the National Review Online's
The Corner just set the bar even lower in the midst of this tragedy. In their frantic efforts to deflect blame from the real culprits, and blame the Democrats, the local government of Louisiana, and the people of NOLA, Rich Lowry wrote the following:
A dissent from this column I wrote yesterday:
It is not. It is - or ought to be - a disgrace and an embarrassment to Louisiana and New Orleans. I see the way Florida prepares for and responds to hurricanes; I see the way Mississippi and Alabama are dealing with this one; I've seen the Carolinas and Virginia deal with hurricanes, too. I've been in Miami and Norfolk when hurricanes hit, though not as severe as this one, and seen folks come together to support each other in the crisis. I see the outpouring of support from surrounding states and from the federal government heading to Louisiana as fast as it can.
And then I see citizens of New Orleans shooting, raping, burning, and plundering while their government officials stand by helplessly...
See? It's their fault. Don't blame the federal response to the crisis.

Rich Lowry is the same chickenhawk prick that
chickened out when Al Franken challenged him to a fight. As it was widely reported that Rich Lowry used to say that Democrats were not manly enough, and after hearing this, Al Franken (a good 30 years older than Lowry) challenged Lowry to a good old fistfight, man to man, so Lowry could show how manly he is.
Lowry hauled tail and chickened out publicly.